CTech's Wednesday Roundup of Israeli Tech News
This is how Teva and 19 of its rivals fixed U.S. drug prices; Sisense to acquire analytics startup Periscope Data
This is how Teva and 19 of its rivals fixed U.S. drug prices. A 524-page civil lawsuit filed Friday in the U.S. alleges that 20 generic drugmakers colluded to influence drug prices, with executives meeting regularly to set prices and split the market. Read more
Amir Orad, Sisense CEO. Photo: Orel Cohen Ford Motor executive chairman Bill Ford to scout for technologies in Israel. Ford is set to visit Israel in two weeks to scout for technologies in the fields of artificial intelligence, autonomous driving, and cybersecurity. Read more
Sisense to acquire analytics startup Periscope Data. With the acquisition, Sisense will surpass the $100 million mark in annual recurring revenue. Read more

Algorithm generates ultimate Eurovision song. Enterprise software company Oracle collaborated on the project, which was created by analyzing and piecing together lyrics and melody fragments from hundreds of Eurovision songs. Read more
Pending indictments prevents Defense Minister Netanyahu from approving Bezeq-Searchlight deal. A landline monopoly in Israel, Bezeq’s acquisition requires the approval of Israel's minister of communication and minister of defense—the latter position currently held by prime minister Netanyahu, who is facing an indictment in a bribery case related to Bezeq. Read more
Mayo Clinic, Israel Innovation Authority to collaborate on medical technologies. As part of the collaboration, Mayo Clinic will partner with Israeli companies to co-develop, test, and pilot new technologies, services, and devices that address unmet medical needs. Read more
This startup utilizes artificial intelligence to get your song to Lady Gaga. Read more
Hey Shiri, play me a Hebrew song. Read more
This startup will turn you into a pianist in five minutes. Read more