CTech's Sunday Roundup of Israeli Tech News
Low-cost LiDAR startup Oryx Vision shuts down; Israeli president gets involved in Israel’s medical cannabis troubles
Low-cost LiDAR startup Oryx Vision shuts down. Founded in 2009, Oryx developed a light detection and ranging camera system (LiDAR) for autonomous cars.Read more
Israeli president gets involved in Israel’s medical cannabis troubles. New regulation set to come into full effect on September 1 has thrown the local industry into disarray. Read more

Teva faces new opioid-related lawsuit in West Virginia. The lawsuit seems to be unrelated to the trial set to start against Teva and other opioid manufacturers in October in Ohio federal court. Read more
Israeli country clubs won’t admit Arabs; now Israel is promoting a new club to cater to its largest minority. The planned complex will span over 10 dunams in the Zemer Local Council, a municipality in central Israel that includes four large Arab villages; it will include swimming pools, a gym, and other sports facilities. Read more
Expert | Shared E-scooter users risk not just injury but also their privacy. Regulators around the world who attempt to limit the shared micro-mobility industry have accidents in mind, but what they should really be keeping their eyes on is how companies use and safeguard the private user data they collect. Read more
Interview | Traveling is hard, traveling with a disability is harder, says accessible tourism startup CEO. Israel-based Travaxy offers an online service that lets people with various disabilities book flights, hotels, and even wheelchairs, crutches, and other mobility aids that will wait for them at their destinations. Read more
Israeli startup Nuvo develops a home fetal and maternal monitor for high-risk pregnancies. According to data from the CDC, per 100,000 live births in the U.S., 17.2 women die as a direct result of their pregnancies; out of 1,000 births, six babies die either during the second half of the pregnancy or up to four weeks after emerging into the world. Read more
List | Forget chores, there's a robot for that. From folding your laundry to cleaning toilets, these five robots will do your dirty work for you. Read more
Ahead of election, Israeli party Democratic Union turns to crowdfunding. The Democratic Union is a left-wing alliance formed between former prime minister Ehud Barak’s Democratic Israel, Meretz, the Green Movement, and former Labor parliamentarian Stav Shaffir. Read more
Samsung leases 9,000 square meters in Tel Aviv’s Azrieli town building. The South Korean conglomerate leased six floors of the building to accommodate the planned expansion of its research and development division in Israel. Read more