Which company completed a $70 million series B and who is offering Israeli tech firms a gateway to China?
CTech Daily Roundup: Bionic comes out of stealth with $13 million series A for application intelligence platform
Survey: One-third of Israelis would prefer to take homegrown Covid-19 vaccine. The results come a day after America’s Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine touches down for distribution. Read more

Bionic comes out of stealth with $13 million series A for application intelligence platform. The Israeli startup developed a platform that gives enterprises the ability to understand and control the many application changes pushed to production every day. Read more
Interview | Brilliance Ventures offers Israeli tech companies a gateway to China. Keren Maimon and Qian Chen explain why Israelis are making a mistake in straddling the fence when it comes to pursuing business in China. Read more
“Our employees were all in the same boat” during Covid-19, says maritime intelligence platform Windward. Due to the pandemic, all 90 of Windward’s employees work remotely - something that used to be reserved for only a few located overseas. Read more
Analysis | Lessons Learned: Three Israeli cyber experts offer their hot takes on the Shirbit hack. After the crushing hack of Israel-based insurance firm Shirbit, executives from Guardicore, BDO Global, and MonsterCloud share some industry insights. Read more
Gaming’s growth presents the fashion world with an unexpected challenge. "Fashion houses aren't scared yet, but they should be.
There is a limited sum a person can spend and if they spend it on a digital experience they won't be spending it on a physical experience," says Assaf Reeb, co-founder of startup Immersive Virtual Apparel. Read more
Taboola extends strategic partnership with digital ad agency Kendago. Kendago is expected to run tens of millions of dollars worth of campaigns through Taboola. Read more
Mind The Tech TLV | “The flow of Japanese companies and investors to Israel started long before we established ties with the Gulf states.”
Yinnon Dolev, Head of Sompo Digital Lab Israel, explainsat Mind The Tech TLV why JApanese companies are looking for Israeli partnerships.
MTT TLV | “Technological revolution is creating a new diagnostic arena in cyberspace,” says CEO. Applicants are still chosen on a face-to-face basis, but CEO Nimrod Betzer’s company has developed world-leading technologies to recruit people over cyberspace. Read more