What is Next Insurance planning next and which Israeli university is ranked No. 1 in Europe in Artificial Intelligence?
CTech Daily Roundup: Oracle CEO Safra Catz underscores Israel support in Jerusalem data center launch
Next Insurance targeting mergers and acquisitions to increase market share. The insurtech company announced the appointment of Eran Liron as its Chief Strategy Officer, with Liron telling Calcalist “our agenda is very aggressive, to expand and secure a much larger market share." Read more

Oracle CEO Safra Catz underscores Israel support in Jerusalem data center launch. "If Oracle employees don't agree with our mission to support Israel maybe we aren't the right company for them," said Catz. Read more
Namogoo acquires Remarkety to expand its digital journey continuity platform. The acquisition is the second strategic M&A following the purchase of Personali in early 2020. Read more
Technion ranked No. 1 in Europe in Artificial Intelligence. The Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa has established itself as a leading academic institution in AI over the years and is currently ranked 15th in the world, and first in Europe, with 100 faculty members engaged in areas across the AI spectrum. Read more
FinTech 2021 | How are SPACs helping Israeli companies on the global market? Speaking at FinTech2021, Partner at DTCP, Guy Horowitz, discussed the money coming into Israeli companies via SPACs and what it means for the market. Watch full video
BiblioTech | CTech’s Book Review: Principles by Ray Dalio. Principles “is interesting, inspiring, and very relevant to anyone looking to be successful in life,” says iAngels' Shelly Hod-Moyal. Read more
Opinion | Rising tech salaries and exchange rate pushing multinationals to reconsider Israeli R&D. "A significant increase in salaries can be a nice addition to the Israeli tax authorities, but at the same time, it can become a real threat for future investments in Israel," writes Ami Aharonovich of Aerospike. Read more