23.05.21|Golan HazaniThe digital-insurance company became profitable in 2020, less than three years after its founding, and is now looking to raise NIS 50-100 million
28.05.20|Allon SinaiCEO Ouriel Ohayon says Tel Aviv-based startup has removed the complexity of buying and owning the assets and keeping them safe from hacks
26.05.20|CTech and Omer KabirAccording to Tomer Barel, a Facebook vice president, co-creator of Libra and Chief Operating Officer at Novi, the company's coders in Tel Aviv are continuing to work on developing the main components of the wallet
17.09.19|Lital DobrovitskyIn addition to $1.4 million, Libra Insurance is also demanding that Facebook stops using the name for its cryptocurrency in Israel
25.07.19|CTechEarlier this month, Citi hosted an event in Tel Aviv to discuss new payment methods and how people around the world would make purchases and collect payments in the future
25.06.19|Omer KabirOrnit Shinar of Citi Ventures, Omry Ben David of Viola Ventures, and Gilad Shimony, CEO of Leumi Partners Underwriting spoke Monday at Calcalist’s fintech conference in Tel Aviv
24.06.19|Naomi ZorefMeital Raviv, a managing director and head of fintech and innovation at KPMG Israel, spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
24.06.19|Hagar RavetYuval Tal spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
24.06.19|Hagar RavetHedva Ber spoke at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
18.06.19|Omer KabirOn Tuesday, an association of corporations led by Facebook released the white paper for its new cryptocurrency, Libra, set to become available next year. Facebook and Calibra vice president Tomer Barel explained the new financial player in an interview with Calcalist