Amit Bendov is the CEO and co-founder of Gong.
Clear and Present Danger

Amit Bendov: "When two wolves and a sheep decide what they are eating for lunch, that is not democracy"

"My concern is not that we will be boycotted, or what they will think of us - the world does business with countries that are far worse than us. My concern is about the internal aspect: non-democratic countries do not progress. You see: Nobel prizes do not come from those countries, nor does life-changing technology. So the events at the moment will not necessarily harm investments in the short term, but the backbone on which the state is built will begin to disintegrate, talent will flee, and society will degenerate. People forget that democracy is not the tyranny of the majority, but mechanisms of checks and balances, with free press and independent courts. When two wolves and a sheep decide what they are eating for lunch, that is not democracy.
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עמית בן דב מנכל גונג
עמית בן דב מנכל גונג
Amit Bendov is the CEO and co-founder of Gong.
(Photo: Amir Shaal)
"I don't think it is possible to have a tax revolt, but we must make our voices heard, convince and explain. We must not be silent, protests have weight and can create change. Most people want to live in a democracy, and right now we are on a slippery slope."
Amit Bendov is the CEO and co-founder of Gong.