Real Life Superpowers
Meirav Harel: “We are the editors. We are the actors, we are the players”
In a conversation with Noa Eshed and Ronen Menipaz on the podcast Real Life Superpowers, Meirav Harel discusses the power of setting goals and stepping outside of your comfort zone
“When you're recording a movie, there are a lot of scenes that don't get into the final movie,” explained Meirav Harel on the Real Life Superpowers podcast. “The same as with your life, you kind of choose what moves the plot forward. What's the next thing that I need to be putting right now that will move this plot forward. We are the editors. We are the actors, we are the players. We are the directors. We are the everything. Right?”
With over 20 years of experience in finance, technology, and creating award-winning fintech innovation, Meirav Harel is a world-known expert inTech, blockchain, digital disruption, the future of finance and investment, and trading Interfaces.
She was named "1 of the 100 most inspirational women in Blockchain", by Cryptonewspoint, 1 out of 36 “top women Revolutionizing Crypto around the world” by TechRoundUK, and listed twice on the "Women in Fintech Powerlist" by Innovate Finance UK.
She lectures, consults, provides management services and in-depth research, to leading international financial, regulatory, and academic institutions around the world, is an ambassador to EWPN (European Women in Payments Network), Former Head of Strategic Innovation Technologies at BDO, and the list goes on.
We discuss:
- Leaving a stable job, despite being valued and enjoying it, in order to do something of your own. “Am I capable of taking a challenge upon myself and building what I see in my vision of what I can bring to the world, at a larger scale?”
- The power of setting goals and stepping outside of your comfort zone
- What it takes to be an entrepreneur
- The difference between failing and being a failure
- The almost endless potential that lies in combining different disciplines with technology
- Why everyone should learn to code
- The evolution and future of money
- How to navigate mentally and emotionally when things get rough at a personal level
- How the people you surround yourself with impact your performance, and what traits Meirav looks for in the people around her
- And more!
Noa Eshed: recognized as a thought leader by the Daily Telegraph. Her book "The Smart Marketer's Guide to Google Adwords” was an Amazon no.1 bestseller. Her digital marketing agency Bold Digital Architects has acclaimed several industry awards. She previously co-founded and distributed Israel’s only national magazine for students, and is a certified lawyer (Hebrew U grad) and journalist.
Ronen Menipaz: an Israeli investor, entrepreneur, tech advisor, and founder of numerous business ventures in the entertainment, adtech, and fintech space. During his 25 years of entrepreneurial experience, Ronen has been involved with over 100 startups in Israel, 30 of which he founded or co-founded. Two of those startups went public, while five were sold and four more are currently privately profitable companies.
First published: 14:48, 01.08.22