Oded Hermoni

Smooth sailing: "Israel is like a small boat, easily navigating business from China to Dubai to Japan"

“There's a reason why all the CEOs are coming to Japan now,” said Oded Hermoni, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at J-Ventures, speaking to CTech at the Israel-Japan Conference in Tokyo. "Israelis are adventurers looking for different opportunities, much more than Americans are"

Oded Hermoni
(Shmulik Dudfur)

“There's a reason why all the CEOs are coming to Japan now,” said Oded Hermoni, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at J-Ventures, speaking to CTech at the Israel-Japan Conference in Tokyo. "Because Silicon Valley is a bit closed now and in a downturn, many VCs are going to other places such as Dubai, Latin America, Australia, and Japan. Suddenly markets like Japan become more attractive to VCs to raise money."
When asked about Israel, Hermoni said, "The advantage Israel has is that it is like a small boat and not a large ship, so it's very easy for it Israelis to navigate and move from China to Japan to Dubai, so we Israelis are very much like adventurers looking for different opportunities, much more than Americans are."
You can watch the full interview in the video above.