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In an effort to combat fake news, Kaltura has launched a platform dedicated to disseminating the truth

While many high-tech companies have mobilized efforts to support field operations, the Israeli video cloud company partnered with GlossAI to launch a trusted information distribution source:

The arena of fake news and cognitive engineering, which has become decisive in wars of this generation, is surging in the aftermath of the despicable terrorist attack on October 7. Therefore, Kaltura, which specializes in video platforms, chose to take advantage of their understanding of the arena and create, together with GlossAI, Stand4Israel, a platform for disseminating reliable information, including complete details and stories about civilians abducted to Gaza, those abducted and those injured.
The site offers videos, articles, and images that provide a comprehensive understanding of the attacks, casualties, expert perspectives, and community reactions. Content can be easily shared on social media, allowing for quick response to false narratives. Currently, the platform supports 11 languages, and it is being expanded.
"Israel's ability to tell the real story will be crucial to the continuation of the war, according to Liad Eshkar, Kaltura executive and key figure in the creation of Stand4Israel." The main objective of our organization is to fight fake news, and our main objective is to preserve truth in a digital age where facts are often based on misleading lies."
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(Courtesy of Kaltura)
The Stand4Israel platform is dedicated to the memory of our beloved Kalturian, Eynav Elkayam Levy, who was brutally murdered by Hamas during the atrocities of October 7th. This site serves as a tribute to her extraordinary life, her invaluable contribution to Kaltura, and the void she leaves in our hearts. In the wake of the devastating loss of Eynav Elkayam Levy, we find solace in her precious two-and-a-half-year-old son, Almog. While we mourn, our hearts are filled with unwavering support for Almog and his family. We’ve established a donation campaign for Almog's future to which you’re all encouraged to donate through the Stand4Israel platform.
In collaboration with Blueskai, Stand4Israel has also launched a dedicated platform for journalists, reporters, and field professionals to easily upload their media content. Submitted materials are securely stored in a knowledge management system and subject to thorough analysis, editing, and review by authorized personnel. The ultimate aim is to highlight vital information with selected content being "whitelisted" for public distribution. This collaborative effort is another pivotal measure in the ongoing fight against misinformation that gives comprehensive and factual accounts from people on the ground experiencing the Israeli-Hamas conflict. Further underlining Stand4Israel’s and its partners’ commitment to media transparency and accuracy.
The volunteer team at welcomes those interested in expanding the site to other languages and content. Contact them at support