Fadi Aboud (from left), Jack Doweck, and Marcelo Yuffe.

Intel promotes three Israelis to executive technological positions

Fadi Aboud, Jack Doweck, and Marcelo Yuffe were named Intel Fellows, equivalent to VPs, in the processor design and development group

Intel has named three Israelis to senior technological positions. Fadi Aboud was named an Intel Fellow at Intel's global engineering group, representing the first time in Intel Israel's history that an Arab engineer has been appointed to this technological capacity. The second nomination announced was of Jack Doweck, who was named an Intel Fellow in the processor development and design group. The third nomination was of Marcello Joffe, who was named an Intel Fellow in the computer development and design group.
Aboud has worked at Intel for 31 years, specializing in developing innovations that improve processor performance and streamline the development process. The methods he has developed are used by thousands of Intel engineers today, considerably boosting the competitiveness of the company's products. Recently, Aboud has been leading the development of a new generation of tools that make innovative use of tools using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to enhance the product's performance.
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Fadi Aboud Jack Doweck Marcelo Yuffe Intel Israel
Fadi Aboud Jack Doweck Marcelo Yuffe Intel Israel
Fadi Aboud (from left), Jack Doweck, and Marcelo Yuffe.
Doweck’ has fulfilled a series of positions in computer architecture during his 33 years at Intel, in addition to leading the configuration of the processors designed at Intel's Haifa Development Center.

Joffe has been running the special circuits group of the engineering organization for 15 years. Marcello joined Intel 32 years ago as I/O circuit development. These circuits provide an electrical connection to the outer world.
"Every executive nomination of an Israeli Intel employee is a great source of excitement and pride. These nominations testify to the trust Intel Corporation has in the Israeli engineers,” read Intel Israel management’s statement. “The new nominations add to the appointment of Shlomit Weiss, placing numerous Israelis in key positions in the Corporation's management that reflects the appreciation of Intel's human capital that has partnered in some of the world's largest computing revolutions, even leading them."