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“Physical stores are not going away… but the way we shop has to change”

Raz Golan, CEO of Shopic, joined CTech to discuss how its technology is revolutionizing grocery stores

Raz Golan, CEO of Shopic

“Retailers were very focused on online strategies in the last few years. Now, they understand that the focus is getting back to the physical,” explained Raz Golan, CEO of Shopic. Speaking at Calcalist’s e-commerce 2022 conference, Golan shared how the company partners with grocery retailers across the world to bring all the benefits of online commerce to physical stores.
“Physical stores are not going away - they will be here forever,” he continued. “But the way we shop has to change because shoppers expect more online shopping experiences that are more fluent and quick and easy.”
Shopic helps retailers by turning standard shopping carts into smart carts by clipping a device onto the handle that can track items entering and exiting the cart. Then, it can help shoppers pay for their items while offering personalized discounts and promotions.
“Retailers see large players in the market like Amazon putting billions of dollars of investments in their physcial store strategy. That, and a combination of post-Covid shoppers that return to physical stores just gives this a huge push,” he concluded.
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.