CTech Paris Conference Samuel Attali

“France is the main gate to the European market”

Samuel Attali, Co-Founder at Expand CPA, spoke to CTech about why Israeli entrepreneurs should expand their businesses in France during Israel’s Business Delegation to Paris led by Calcalist and Bank Hapoalim

“France is the main gate to the European market,” says Samuel Attali, Partner at Expand CPA of his district, in conversation with CTech during Israel’s Business Delegation to Paris led by Calcalist and Bank Hapoalim. “If an Israeli company wants to develop and to perform in Europe, France is the best place to develop the business.”
Expand CPA is a Paris-based accounting firm with operations in Tel Aviv and Miami which specializes in supporting foreign companies that want to expand their business in France, including many Israeli companies.
“There is a huge history of collaboration in innovation between France and Israel, so the French government is also pushing for foreign compan[ies] which want to develop their business in France by giving some financial and tax incentive plans.”
Attali notes that while after October 7th that some Israeli companies postponed their projects in France, he has noted a recent shift. “We saw that there is a new dynamic, and now we see that Israeli companies are very interested in restarting their projects in France.”
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.