ועידת Mind The Tech לונדון Elinor Honigstein Ctech

"Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of digital innovation"

Elinor Honigstein, Head of the UK Office at UK Israel Tech Hub, is hopeful more VCs will place a focus on investing in female entrepreneurs

Elinor Honigstein CTech
"We are seeing many VCs and angels that are coming out and pledging to invest in women founders and I really hope that the traction they are getting will also lead to traditional VCs adding that gender component into their investments," said Elinor Honigstein, Head of the UK Office at UK Israel Tech Hub in an interview with CTech in London.
Honigstein spoke about the UK-Israel Women Leading Innovation program organized by the UK Israel Tech Hub, Department For International Trade & the UK Science and Innovation Network (SIN) at the British Embassy, and the British Council in Tel Aviv. The program is aimed at providing insights and access to women across different sectors regarding such issues as best practices and opportunities in both countries and how to navigate the fundraising landscape.

"Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of digital innovation and there is no way we can do that without having representation of different segments in the population building the products and services," explained Honigstein.