Israeli Mapped in NY at the NYSE

Israeli Mapped in NY rings opening bell in New York following invite from the NYSE

The ceremony represents the ongoing collaboration and innovation that Israeli tech has brought to the Big Apple 

On Monday Israeli Mapped in NY and its founder Guy Franklin were invited to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange in recognition of their contribution to the city’s tech ecosystem. It was also a moment to represent the presence of Israeli high-tech in the New York tech ecosystem.
"The growth of the tech ecosystem in New York has been extraordinary, with Israeli founders playing a pivotal role in driving innovation and economic success,” said Franklin. “Since October 7th, despite immense challenges, Israeli tech has continued to deliver, demonstrating resilience and commitment to excellence. This moment at the NYSE underscores the deep connections between Israel and New York, and the thriving community of Israeli entrepreneurs making their mark here."
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Israeli Mapped NY NYSE
Israeli Mapped NY NYSE
Israeli Mapped in NY at the NYSE
(Photo: Ohad KAB Photos)
Franklin was joined on the podium by 12 founders of Israeli tech companies, including Dean Sysman, Co-founder and CEO of Axonius; Yotam Segev, Co-founder and CEO of Cyera; Nadav Shoval, co-founder and CEO of Openweb; Sanaz Yashar, Co-founder and CEO of Zafran Security; Amir Elichai, Co-founder and CEO of Carbyne; Amiram Shachar, Co-founder and CEO of Upwind; Ben Reuveni, Co-founder and CEO of Gloat, and more. The founders have played key roles in AI, cybersecurity, fintech, media, and other innovations.
Since 1985, the NYSE has used the opening bell to begin its trading session typically at 9:30am. Celebrities and visiting dignitaries have frequently been invited to ring the bell as a symbolic ritual for traders in the stock market. The ceremony led by Israeli Mapped in NY represents the ongoing collaboration and innovation brought to the Big Apple by Israeli tech and further solidifies the city's status as a global tech hub. As of 2023, New York is home to 450 Israeli-founded companies and 30 Israeli-founded unicorns, with the latter alone creating a combined 15,000 jobs.
Israeli Mapped in NY is the map of the Israeli startup ecosystem in New York City, established to help Israeli entrepreneurs expand into the city by easily connecting with the industry. The ecosystem is demonstrated as an interactive map of Manhattan showing each company and its operations. Recently, the platform expanded into an investment arm that helps others invest in companies related to cybersecurity and other fields.