Looking for work with the help of AI

Improve your chances of landing a job with LinkedIn

With the help of artificial intelligence tools, you can upgrade your profile, create new connections, and maximize your exposure to recruiters and top contacts. These are the tools that will help you stand out in the competitive job market 

Do you know the old Israeli Yellow Pages advertisement, "If you're not there - you don't exist"? This sentence is also true for job seekers regarding their presence on social networks, especially the professional network - LinkedIn. The reason is that 93% of the organizations in Israel use social networks for recruitment and employer branding and 87% of the organizations reported that they were able to recruit online, according to data from the recruiting sources benchmark for 2024 by the HRD company, which was carried out with the participation of 150 organizations from Israel.
Of those organizations that recruited employees through social networks, 80% of organizations report that they succeeded in recruiting this year on LinkedIn and 47% on Facebook.
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חיפוש עבודה בעזרת AI
חיפוש עבודה בעזרת AI
Looking for work with the help of AI
(Photo: ChatGPT)
Therefore, if you are actively looking for work or passively open to offers, you must have an up-to-date, high-quality, and active LinkedIn profile. But it is not enough. Your networking and professional branding efforts should extend to more areas, to real personal connections. Studies have proven in the past that in the age of social networks, the most important connections for finding a job are those related to the professional side, that is, people you worked with in the past, colleagues, former bosses, suppliers, and the like.
In the days of layoffs and changes in the labor market, more people are actively looking for jobs. When the market is competitive and the supply of candidates exceeds the demand, all available tools must be used to find the most suitable job. Employers use artificial intelligence to improve job ads and filter candidates, and job seekers can also harness AI tools to gain an advantage. In this second article in the guide, we will focus on improving your LinkedIn profile and optimizing professional networking using artificial intelligence tools.
Improving the LinkedIn profile
First, check how the profile compares to other profiles in your industry. You can look at the profiles of colleagues for inspiration, or you can use an AI tool that will make the comparison for you and give you insights. Taplio offers free feedback on your LinkedIn profile and will also give suggestions for improvement. In Taplio - there are also tools for creating posts and managing LinkedIn that are paid with a free 7-day trial. After that, the cost is $39, $49, or $149 per month for the different plans. Other tools designed to manage your LinkedIn account through content creation and data analysis are AuthoredUp which offers 14 days free followed by $16.99 per month. LinkedIn itself has integrated AI tools that help in writing the profile and offer personalized wording. The tool identifies the key skills and experience and suggests ways to present them in the title and summary of the profile for subscribers to the premium version.
The main parts of the LinkedIn profile are the title, profile picture, professional summary, experience, and skills. AI tools like GPT Chat, Claude, or Gemini can be used to reword parts of the profile like the title according to specific prompts. For example, you could use a prompt like "Hey Chat, I'm looking for a job in (write the name of the field) I want to improve my LinkedIn profile to find my next job. Based on successful profiles of people in my industry please help me formulate the title (or any other part) in the profile. This is my title at the moment: (paste the relevant part from the profile here)".
You can use this type of prompt with the required adjustments to each of the parts written in the LinkedIn profile to improve it and also add which position you are looking for to focus the profile in the search for the desired position. If you don't have a LinkedIn profile yet, you can also ask the creator's artificial intelligence tool to suggest how to write the different parts of the profile.
Profile photo
A good profile picture can improve 14 times the chance that recruiters will refer to your profile. So, if you used a selfie from your last vacation after drinking a few too many cocktails, it's time to consider changing the photo. The exciting news is that even if you don't have a professional profile picture, you can use AI tools to create a profile picture from existing selfies.
Some AI tools to create a professional-looking profile picture include themultiverse.ai which has received the most positive reviews and allows you to create a realistic profile picture by uploading real selfies for $29. Another tool, which received good, but also mixed reviews, is Prophotos.ai which allows you to create 40 different photos for $39. $49 will get you 100 photos and 20 different backgrounds, while $59 allows you to create 100 unique photos and 40 different backgrounds and outfits. Reviews of the tool are good but some point out that the images do not look completely realistic. Another tool is myedit.online which offers packages for credits costing $16 or $32 and allows photo editing. It requires a little more tinkering and is a little less user-friendly but can be suitable if you have a design bent or are looking for a more creative image. It is important that the image looks real and is adapted to the industry in which you operate. For example, if you are in high-tech, a picture that is too tight may not be appropriate. On the other hand, if you are a lawyer, a photo with a t-shirt can look unprofessional. There are plenty of AI tools that allow you to create a profile picture at varying costs and varying qualities, find one that fits your goals and budget, and in any case, if the photo is for a business profile or you are very senior, it is better to be photographed by a real-life professional photographer.
On LinkedIn or in real life, the best way to find a job is through a good, wide network of professional contacts. To increase your network of professional contacts, you can use LinkedIn, which will offer you relevant people, or look for people yourself who can help you find the next position. It is also possible to use an AI tool like Dux-Soup which automatically addresses relevant people to increase the network of connections and can also keep in touch with them. This is an automation tool for LinkedIn that also has a version for private users that costs $11.25 per month with a 14-day free trial. Another LinkedIn automation tool is Linked Helper which has two paid plans of $15/month or $45/month. Automation tools of this type are mainly intended for salespeople, businesses, or HR people who use LinkedIn intensively. They can also help job seekers but are not mandatory.
Another networking tool is Crystal which, with the help of artificial intelligence, provides insights into the personality of your connections on LinkedIn. It helps to understand their communication style, their strengths, and weaknesses to adapt your messages and improve relationships with them. You can install a Chrome extension that allows you to get personal insights about the LinkedIn profiles of contacts or potential contacts. It is also a tool intended for sales, HR, or managers but also offers a free version for personal use or a premium version for $49 per month.
Increasing exposure
Now that you have a winning LinkedIn profile with a great profile picture and a quality network, you'll want recruiters to come to your profile and other people to reach out to you and offer to connect. One way to do this is to stay active on LinkedIn - responding and writing comments to other people as well as creating your own content, such as posts and articles. It is possible to create content with the help of creative artificial intelligence tools such as Claude which excels in Hebrew or GPT chat, but it is recommended not to rely only on content created by artificial intelligence. The goal of creating content on LinkedIn or social networks is to position yourself as a professional authority in your field so that employment opportunities come to you. The more authentic, original, and adapted the content is to the target audience, the better it will serve the professional goals. Therefore, it is recommended to use artificial intelligence for certain aspects of the content creation such as ideas for posts, improving keywords, tags (hashtag), or style, and not as a tool for writing the posts from beginning to end.
Here too there are dedicated content creation tools such as Taplio, Jasper, or Writesonic. The latter is a content creation tool that offers a free trial, a $12/month plan, or $16/month for private users. Jasper is designed for content creation primarily for marketers but offers a free trial followed by a $39/month basic plan or $59/month pro plan.
Frequently updating your content and your profile so that it is compatible with keywords and leading trends in your industry will increase exposure and your chances of finding a job. You can use AI tools to find the top trends and ask artificial intelligence to suggest how to incorporate keywords into your profile and the content you create.