CTech Early Shay Cohen

Compliance “is not a need-to-have, it is a must-have”

Shay Cohen, CEO at Kamanja, spoke to CTech about operating in an industry seen as essential even in an economic downturn

Shay Cohen, CEO at Kamanja
(Photo: Sinai David)

“As you know, the economy is not so good right now worldwide, but regulation and compliance is needed all the time, even though companies aren’t ready to spend money on technologies all the time,” explained Shay Cohen, CEO at Kamanja. “This is most of our struggle, on the sales side. But we have ways to take advantage of it.”
Kamanja is a compliance SaaS platform helping SMBs with their compliance and regulatory needs. From vulnerability assessment to incidence reports, training, and awareness, the company helps businesses with their compliance and regulatory journeys.
“We do many things around educational stuff. We explain why regulation is important and why they need it,” Cohen added. “So it is another way to do direct sales. Based on education people understand the need. Compliance and regulation is not going anywhere. It's not a need-to-have, it is a must-have.”
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.