The MNDL Bio Team

Boarding Pass
Israel’s MNDL Bio is taking on a $116 billion market

The company has raised a total of $2 million for its AI-powered gene optimization platform

“Most companies working with recombinant DNA technology lack the specialized knowledge and data needed to engineer genetic sequences effectively. Traditional methods often depend on trial and error, constrained by limited data and the lack of a systematic engineering approach,” said MNDL Bio.
The Israeli company has raised $2 million and says it is revolutionizing this landscape by offering a computational platform. “Our patented models and algorithms empower companies to transition from a trial-and-error paradigm to a precise engineering approach using cutting-edge AI and deep learning models. By integrating our technology into existing R&D pipelines, companies can significantly accelerate development timelines, reduce costs, and increase the probability of success,” it explained.
You can learn more about the company below.
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MNDL Bio Team
MNDL Bio Team
The MNDL Bio Team
(Photo: Shany Kitlaru)
Company Name: MNDL Bio
Sector: Synthetic Biology (Biotech/Deeptech)
Product/Service description:
MNDL Bio is revolutionizing the field of synthetic biology with its AI-powered gene optimization platform. By leveraging advanced computational models and machine learning algorithms developed over 15 years of research, MNDL Bio can rapidly recode target genes for maximum gene expression in host organisms. This disruptive technology streamlines workflows, accelerates timelines, boosts yields, and dramatically reduces costs compared to traditional trial-and-error methods.
With a proven track record of up to 200-fold improvements in protein production, 33% faster development cycles, and up to 90% lower costs, MNDL Bio is helping biotech companies, pharmaceutical innovators, and foodtech researchers unleash the full potential of engineered biology. From creating sustainable products and revolutionary therapeutics to enhancing food production, the possibilities enabled by MNDL Bio's gene expression optimization platform are redefining what's possible across industries.
Led by world-renowned experts in synthetic biology and gene expression, MNDL Bio combines cutting-edge science with proprietary technologies to drive the bio-revolution and shape the future of synthetic biology as a transformative force.
Founder Bios:
Prof. Tamir Tuller is a globally recognized pioneer in computational synthetic biology. His deep understanding of gene expression, coupled with a proven track record of translating academic research into commercial applications, is invaluable to the company. His extensive network within the scientific community and industry provides MNDL Bio with unparalleled access to knowledge, talent, and potential partnerships.
Steve Grun is a seasoned CEO with a successful track record in the food and foodtech industry. In a previous foodtech startup he managed, he secured over $10 million in funding and successfully led the company to global commercialization. His experience scaling businesses, building strong commercial partnerships, and leading a publicly traded company brings invaluable expertise to MNDL Bio.
Eran Miller contributes a strong technological foundation and entrepreneurial spirit to the team. His experience in managing complex R&D projects and leading international teams provides MNDL Bio with the operational expertise needed to execute its technology roadmap. His ability to assess and evaluate new technologies is crucial for identifying potential synergies and future growth opportunities.
Year of Founding: 2023
Last Investment Round: $2 million
Last Investment Stage: Pre-Seed
Date of Last Investment: July 2024
Total investment to date: $2 million
Investors: Leading: Earth & Beyond Ventures & IIA; Others: CPT Capital
Current number of employees: 5
Open positions: Full Stack engineer
How was the idea born?
MNDL Bio arose from the convergence of a major industry problem and an innovative technological breakthrough. The company introduces a cutting-edge deeptech approach to synthetic biology, merging biological sciences with AI to revolutionize and expedite the process of recombinant protein development.
Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, recently called digital biology, which includes the production of recombinant proteins, “the next big revolution” and “one of the biggest ever.” This highlights the immense potential of this field, and MNDL Bio is at the forefront of translating this potential into practical solutions.
Steve Grun, our CEO with a background in food and food technology, identified the significant costs involved in producing alternative proteins. Alongside Eran Miller, our CBO, he began exploring scalable solutions. Their journey introduced them to Prof. Tamir Tuller, a scientist whose technology turned out to be the key component they needed.
Recombinant DNA technology has existed for decades, but recent innovations have propelled it into new sectors beyond pharmaceuticals, such as biofuels, biomaterials, food and agriculture. Despite this potential, the industry is still grappling with lengthy R&D processes and high costs, hindering widespread adoption.
Tuller’s technology offered a promising solution, but scaling it to meet the growing demand required a significant leap. With a proven track record and a desire to expand his impact beyond a handful of collaborations, Tuller was eager to democratize his technology.
Recognizing the potential of Tuller's cutting-edge AI-powered algorithms to revolutionize the industry, Steve and Eran joined forces with Prof. Tuller to create MNDL Bio. Their shared vision was to develop an accessible, affordable, and scalable online platform that accelerates gene expression optimization, transforming the way companies bring innovative products to market.
By converting prototype-level algorithms into production-ready tools and pioneering new approaches, MNDL Bio aims to streamline the R&D process, reduce costs, and empower a wide range of industries to harness the power of recombinant DNA technology.
What is the need for the product?
The recombinant DNA industry operates through a cyclical process known as DBTL: Design, Build, Test, Learn. This iterative approach involves designing genetic sequences, constructing them in the lab, testing their performance, and analyzing the results to inform the next design cycle.
Developing recombinant DNA products to generate specific proteins or molecules cost-effectively remains a major challenge. Although advancements in robotics and AI have streamlined the Build, Test, and Learn phases through high-throughput screening and more affordable gene synthesis, the Design phase remains a critical bottleneck. This initial step heavily depends on limited data, expert intuition, and lengthy literature reviews. The expansive design space, combined with the absence of efficient computational tools, leads to high development costs and low success rates.
Consequently, many promising products fail to reach the market due to prolonged development timelines or prohibitive production expenses. The industry urgently requires a transformative solution to optimize the gene design process.
By providing a robust platform for gene expression optimization, MNDL Bio significantly accelerates product development, reduces costs, and increases the probability of commercial success.
How is it changing the market?
Most companies working with recombinant DNA technology lack the specialized knowledge and data needed to engineer genetic sequences effectively. Traditional methods often depend on trial and error, constrained by limited data and the lack of a systematic engineering approach.
MNDL Bio is revolutionizing this landscape by offering a groundbreaking computational platform. Our patented models and algorithms empower companies to transition from a trial-and-error paradigm to a precise engineering approach using cutting-edge AI and deep learning models. By integrating our technology into existing R&D pipelines, companies can significantly accelerate development timelines, reduce costs, and increase the probability of success.
While many companies excel in biology and bioprocess engineering, they often lack the computational capabilities needed for optimal gene design. MNDL Bio bridges this gap by providing the computational expertise and infrastructure. By combining our platform with their domain knowledge, companies can achieve unprecedented levels of optimization that would be unattainable through traditional methods.
In essence, MNDL Bio is democratizing access to advanced gene engineering capabilities, enabling a wider range of companies to innovate and bring groundbreaking products to market.
How big is the market for the product and who are its main customers?
MNDL Bio operates within the growing Bio Revolution, a global shift driven by advancements in biology and computational sciences. This revolution is projected to generate $2-4 trillion per year in annual economic impact over the next two decades.
Synthetic biology, a key component of this revolution, involves engineering biological systems. It’s a rapidly growing market, valued at $13 billion in 2022 and forecast to reach $116 billion by 2032. Gene expression optimization is a critical step in scaling and industrializing synthetic biology products, representing a substantial market opportunity currently valued at $3 billion.
MNDL Bio targets this dynamic market, which encompasses a diverse customer base ranging from academic researchers to large-scale enterprises. The platform benefits scientists seeking to optimize protein production for research purposes, as well as companies aiming to enhance the efficiency and profitability of their recombinant protein manufacturing processes.
With a vast customer base spanning hundreds of thousands of researchers and thousands of established companies, MNDL Bio is poised to capture a significant share of this growing market.
Does the product exist already? If not - at what stage is it and when is it expected to hit the market?
MNDL Bio's core gene expression optimization technology is a mature and validated solution. Developed over 15 years by Prof. Tamir Tuller and his lab, it has undergone rigorous testing through numerous industrial projects. This proven technology has demonstrated significant improvements in protein production yield and is currently available as a service to customers.
To expand accessibility and streamline delivery, MNDL Bio is developing a SaaS platform. This online tool will automate the optimization process, enabling broader customer reach and increased efficiency. The first version of this platform is scheduled for release in early 2025.
By combining our mature core technology with the upcoming SaaS platform, MNDL Bio offers a comprehensive solution to address the gene expression optimization challenges faced by the industry.
Who are the main competitors in this sector and how big are they?
MNDL Bio operates within a dynamic market characterized by a range of competitors:
  • In-house Bioinformatics Teams: These teams exist within biotech companies of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises. While they possess biological expertise, their computational capabilities are often limited, hindering their ability to effectively optimize gene expression.
  • Gene Synthesis Companies: Typically larger enterprises with substantial turnovers, these companies offer gene optimization tools as a complementary service to their core gene synthesis business. Their optimization capabilities are generally basic and serve as a starting point for more complex optimization efforts.
  • Biofoundries and Contract Research Organisations (CRO): These third-party R&D organizations, often large-scale enterprises, primarily focus on experimental methods for gene optimization. While some incorporate computational tools, their primary approach relies on wet-lab experimentation, which is time-consuming and costly.
It's important to note that the lines between competitor and collaborator can be blurred. Many of these entities could potentially become MNDL Bio customers or partners, recognizing the value of our advanced computational platform to complement their existing capabilities. By combining their wet-lab expertise with our computational prowess, we can create powerful synergies.
The scarcity of relevant data within the recombinant DNA field represents a significant challenge for all market participants. MNDL Bio has developed a unique AI-based ability to extract value from limited available data, providing a competitive advantage.
What is the added value that the founders bring to the company and the product?
MNDL Bio benefits from a unique blend of scientific, R&D, marketing, and sales expertise embodied by its founding team. This diverse skill set enables the company to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and successful market penetration.
Collectively, the founders' complementary skill sets create a powerful synergy that drives MNDL Bio's success. Their combined knowledge, experience, and industry connections are essential for developing innovative solutions, building strong customer relationships, and achieving the company's growth objectives.
By leveraging the founders' unique strengths, MNDL Bio is well-positioned to lead the gene expression optimization market.
What will the money coming in from the round be used for?
The secured funding will be strategically allocated to advance MNDL Bio's core competencies and market position. A substantial portion will be dedicated to R&D, including the formation of an AI and data science team to enhance our algorithmic capabilities and the protection of intellectual property through additional patents.
Concurrently, significant resources will be channeled into platform development to expand functionalities, improve user experience and optimize system performance.
The remaining investment will be focused on commercial growth initiatives, encompassing sales force expansion, marketing and strategic partnerships.
This balanced allocation will fortify our scientific foundation, enhance our technological offering, and drive market penetration.

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