Aviv Zeevi, VP, Technological Infrastructure Division at Israel Innovation Authority

“Founders should look for the next big thing. Making things only a bit better is not good enough”

Aviv Zeevi, VP, Technological Infrastructure Division at the Israel Innovation Authority, explained why innovation is not in danger and shared his tips for the future

Aviv Zeevi
(Sinai David)

“In times of crisis the government supports innovation much more. We invest in high risk endeavors, exactly the ones investors are afraid of in the private sector,” said Aviv Zeevi, VP, Technological Infrastructure Division at Israel Innovation Authority, speaking to CTech at Calaclist’s 2023 Forecast conference. “I don't need to look for profit, I can look ahead,” noted Zeevi.
When asked about what tips he would offer founders at the moment, Zeevi replied: “Founders should still look for the next big thing. If you are just trying to make things only a bit better it's not good enough. We are looking for breakthrough technologies and challenges people are afraid to look at, such as climatech. It seems like more and more funds are understanding that this is the next big thing and that is why we have to be there.”
You can watch the full interview with Aviv Zeevi in the video above.