![Ctech ClimateTech 2023 Barak Roth Ctech ClimateTech 2023 Barak Roth](https://pic1.calcalist.co.il/picserver3/crop_images/2023/01/24/SkSA11cDais/SkSA11cDais_0_0_1920_1080_0_large.jpg)
CTalkWould you adopt carbon credits to save the planet?
Would you adopt carbon credits to save the planet?
Rewind Co-Founder and VP of Marketing, Barak Roth, spoke to CTech about its new platform to tackle carbon footprints
Rewind Co-Founder and VP of Marketing, Barak Roth
(Photo: Sinai David)
“In 2015, countries started to put regulations for companies and factories to lower their emission and this is where carbon credits started to be bought and sold,” explained Barak Roth, Co-Founder and VP of Marketing at Rewind. “The green tech companies get carbon credits for not emitting and not polluting the environment and they sell it to companies that are obligated to buy credits because they are emitting and polluting.”
Until now, the act of buying and selling carbon credits was reserved for large companies like Tesla and Shell, who trade credits depending on how much they pollute the environment. Roth and Rewind imagine a future where normal folks can do the same.
“Up until now, it has been a playground for the big boys,” he continued. “Only very big organizations were in the game. We are the first to come and say we want everyone to have the opportunity to invest in carbon credits. It is good for everybody: it is good for the environment, it is good for CO2 emissions, and it is good for the investor.”
Each of us emits roughly 16-18 tons of CO2 a year, depending on what we use or how we travel. To offset this, Rewind will offer the opportunity to invest in carbon credits and then give back to the environment. They hope to launch the product in the next few months.
You can watch the entire exchange in the video above.