קווין קוקרן

“We are committed to helping AI startups in Israel shape a new future”

Kevin Cochrane, Vultr's Global CMO, added that “we're at the beginning of a new 10-year cycle, with artificial intelligence architecture, where we’re developing not only for cloud computing and cloud storage but also new types of storage and network computing to support AI applications.” 

Kevin Cochrane - AI Conference
(Kevin Cochrane)

"A survey we conducted among more than a thousand CEOs and VPs in industries that lead in AI strategy revealed that they are preparing to move from experimenting with new AI models to full deployment in 2025," said Kevin Cochrane, Vultr's Global CMO, at the AI Conference hosted by Calcalist in partnership with Vultr on Tuesday in Tel Aviv.
Cochrane added, "And it's not just one model—they're talking about deploying hundreds of models. This raises questions and concerns about the scale of global cloud infrastructure. We need to ensure it's available locally, that it's cost-effective, and that it can truly enable large-scale growth. We are entering a new era of cloud computing, a new 10-year cycle where we need to rethink the core infrastructure powering our AI applications."
"As in the past, we can learn from previous cycles. In 2000, a new architectural style of web applications emerged, requiring organizations to rebuild their entire server applications to scale the global deployment and availability of web applications. Ten years later, a new architectural style of cloud computing arrived, where organizations could leverage low-cost computing resources to rebuild applications that could be deployed more widely, without needing their own data centers.
"Now, we're at the beginning of a new 10-year cycle, with artificial intelligence architecture, where we’re developing not only for cloud computing and cloud storage but also new types of storage and network computing to support AI applications. This new cloud is all about helping organizations move beyond experimenting with models, allowing them to embed AI models in any application they develop.
"Vultr is the largest independent cloud provider in the world, with 32 data centers globally. In addition to our cloud technology, we provide access to Nvidia’s leading graphics processors, aiming to help AI startups build and scale their operations worldwide. We are also proud to support the Israeli technology and AI ecosystem. Earlier last year, we opened our first data center in Tel Aviv, and we are the first cloud provider to offer access to Nvidia processors in Israel’s tech ecosystem. We are committed to helping AI startups in Israel shape a new future."