UAE-IL tech zone delegation to visit Emirates to promote partnerships
The non-profit partners with MOIAT and local partners to facilitate collaborations in the domains of fintech, healthtech and sustainability
UAE-IL tech zone, a non-profit aiming to build bridges between the Emirati and Israeli tech ecosystems, is bringing a delegation of unicorn and late-stage startups to the UAE in June. In partnership with Start-Up Nation Central, a non-profit that promotes the Israeli innovation ecosystem around the world, and the UAE's newly established Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, the delegation will focus on the fintech, climatetech, and healthtech sectors, some of the key focuses of the UAE’s tech development strategy and in line with the country’s 2030 vision.
“Since the signing of the accords, a considerable number of Israelis came to the UAE, with Expo as a focal point of discovery. We feel interest is very high on both sides, and sometimes entities need a hand to navigate through a new culture and ecosystem,” said Noa Gastfreund, UAE-IL tech zone’s co-founder. “This is why we are here: to make sure anyone slightly interested in the myriad of opportunities these accords created, have a partner from start to finish to develop mutually beneficial business and relationships between the UAE and Israel. Both our countries are small yet dynamic, this is why I firmly believe joining forces can only create life changing paradigms for our region."
“Following the Abraham Accords, and with the signed Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, there is unlimited scope for collaboration, cooperation and knowledge sharing between Israeli and Emirati tech companies,” noted Mohamed Al Qassim, Director of the Department of Technology Adoption and Development at Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology. “The UAE-IL tech zone is the ultimate embodiment of this shared vision and I look forward to seeing Israeli start-ups exploring the dynamic growth and investment potential we offer.”
For over a year, the organization, also supported by LA Innovation labs, an Israeli-based company facilitating U.S. market penetration for startups, has developed ties with partners in both the UAE and Israel such as MOIAT and Start-Up Nation Central, gathering an eclectic and senior board of advisors (Ahmed Al Nowais, CEO of Annex Investments, Tally Zingher, CEO of Blue Laurel, Michel Adritti, CEO of SCS services, Prof. Jake Cohen of MIT). Within a year, the organization gathered over 3,000 members and followers on social media, took two delegations to the UAE and organized 12 virtual events around hot tech and innovation topics.