
Israel is seeking to develop its own Waze: published a tender for navigation software

The Mapping Center is inviting bids for an off-the-shelf software that can cover the entire territory of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. 

Israel is seeking to develop its own navigation platform, akin to popular apps like Google Maps and Waze. The initiative, outlined by the Israel Mapping Center, aims to provide a comprehensive navigation solution that includes points of interest, institutions, road signage, and real-time traffic data.
The Mapping Center is inviting bids for an off-the-shelf software that can cover the entire territory of Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The software will enable users to perform navigation queries through a built-in application on government map servers and other Mapping Center websites.
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סלולארי אפליקציה ווייז וויז waze
סלולארי אפליקציה ווייז וויז waze
(Photo: Bloomberg)
The new platform will serve multiple purposes. It will be a vital tool for emergency response teams, providing quick routes to incident locations. Additionally, it will help update and enhance government databases with accurate road network information. The platform will also calculate service areas based on distance and provide real-time traffic updates to help users plan their routes efficiently.
The software will incorporate detailed address information, including street names and house numbers. It will also offer advanced features like traffic directions for different vehicle types, bridge dimensions, public transportation data, and pedestrian crossing information. Successful bidders will receive bonus points for including these features in their proposals.
The tender deadline is the end of September, and the platform is expected to be operational in 2025, subject to proposal evaluation and approval. The navigation services will be accessible to the general public, not just government employees and security forces.