20-Minute Leaders

20 stories about 20-Minute Leaders
Amos Arev 20

“The most interesting and vulnerable business stage is scaling up after the initial investment.”

Getting to help shape a company is the most interesting part of being a technology leader, says Amos Arev, executive vice president of engineering and GM of Israel at Capitolis.
Amir Raveh 20

“Tech now allows clubs, fans, and brands to tell a story even better than before.”

As a young entrepreneur in the 1990s, founder and president of HYPE Sports Innovation Amir Raveh had no one to talk to about the challenges his company faced.
Raviv Melamed Vayyar Imaging 20

“Moving into new markets requires the ability to give people freedom to really take risks.”

Allowing employees the freedom and support to take big risks is necessary to move into new markets, says Raviv Melamed, CEO of Vayyar Imaging.
Yuval Magid 20

“You need to accept that things will break and be willing to build better out of it.”

More employees and managers today are not willing to go along with the way things have always been done, says Yuval Magid, chief operating officer at Connecteam.
Tal Innovid 20

“I am interested in the place where art meets technology.”

As online videos began to flourish, Innovid CTO and co-founder Tal Chalozin was fascinated by how easily he could make things happen with the internet.
Merav 20

“If you have the right team and the passion to solve a big problem, it's an amazing journey.”

The journey to founding a company began with wanting to start from scratch building a team and culture, says Merav Bahat, co-founder and CEO of Dazz.
Rabea Zioud 20

“We are connecting our Arab ecosystem to the local and global ecosystems”

When Rabea Zioud, co-founder and CEO of Hasoub, stumbled upon an entrepreneurship center at university, he didn’t know anything about the startup world
Yoni Sherizen Gabriel 20

“Chaos actually becomes the greatest threat in a crisis situation.”

Yoni Sherizen shares that wanting to detect threats quickly and empower the people nearby led him to co-founding Gabriel, where he is CEO
Tal Rotman Pearl Cohen 20

“Most people don't go to mediation. I think that's a market failure.”

Mediation is an underutilized option for settling disputes, says Tal Rotman, partner and chair of alternative dispute resolution at Pearl Cohen.
Aran Erel F5 20

“I love technology and writing. They complement each other.”

Having his wife’s support and help has made it possible for F5's Aran Erel to combine his passion for technology with his love for writing.
Amir Zolty 20

“Entrepreneurs should be optimistic, maybe overly optimistic.”

Doing legal work for tech companies gives head of hi-tech practice at Lipa Meir & Co Amir Zolty the chance to help build things and do more positive work, he says
Nina Rauch 20

“I really didn't believe that it was possible to find a job that was as impactful as this.”

Small donations quickly add up and shouldn’t be underestimated, says Nina Rauch, senior social impact lead at Lemonade
Ofir Openvalley 20

“Once we support our ecosystem becoming innovative, we are changing and impacting our surroundings.”

After holding leadership positions in prominent companies and going through an entrepreneurial journey, co-founder of OpenValley Israel Ofir Dubovi wanted to help other early-stage founders.
Hilla Techstars 20

“My dream was to create initiatives that would help women feel more at home and would bring more role models.”

While she acknowledges that progress on diversity in high tech is slow, founder of Yazamiyot and managing director of Techstars, Hilla Ovil-Brenner, believes the needle is moving.
Orr Hameiri 20

"We pre-vet P&G business units' readiness to collaborate with startups"

By leading innovation in a company that reaches five billion users a day, global tech innovation director at Procter & Gamble, Orr Hameiri says he has the chance to impact many lives worldwide.
Yoav Shoham AI21 Labs 20

“Dip your toes in the water of AI. There's no substitute for experience.”

Being literate with AI and NLP will be important for most people as AI becomes an integral part of our lives, says Yoav Shoham, co-founder of AI21 Labs.
Aliza Knox BCG 20

“You don't necessarily have to make the trade-offs that you think you do.”

While it is common to stress over big career decisions, Aliza Knox, author of Don’t Quit Your Day Job, believes that there aren’t very many wrong choices.
May Vee 20

“We're a startup that is not playing with minds; we are playing with hearts.”

Knowing why someone is doing something is important to May Piamenta, co-founder and CEO of Vee.
20 Mins Panel

“In these times of distress, communicate even more than you used to in the past.”

Michael Matias is joined by a panel including Carine Schneider, president of AST Private Company Solutions; Nimrod Vromen, co-founder and CEO of Consiglieri; Ido Almany, CEO of American Express in Israel; Yael Benjamin, founder of Startup Snapshot
Israel Krush Hyro 20

“In the future, human agents will be focused on complex tasks and the virtual assistants will take the repetitive tasks.”

Most people try to avoid talking to virtual agents and chatbots today, says Hyro Co-founder and CEO Israel Krush, and most of them aren’t great.