
3 stories about Apester
איש השנה טיים 2017

Time Magazine Partners With Content Creation Startup Apester to Conduct “Person of the Year” Survey

06.12.18|Meir Orbach and Adi Pick
For this year’s survey, Time readers choose from a list of 55 influencers who dominated the news landscape in 2018, including Michelle Obama, Christine Blasey Ford, Saudi ruler Muhammad bin Salman, and the Korean pop group BTS
מוטי כהן מייסד מנכ"ל Apester

Content Creation Startup Apester Launches Story Tool

The tool lets users integrate features like text, images, and emojis, or videos and quizzes in one story using a drag and drop interface
אביב רפואה Aviv Refuah

Spring Ventures Buys 19% of Wellborn Ventures for $2.1 Million

23.11.17|Adrian Filut
Israel-based Wellborn Ventures invested in AI-based wearable device startup LifeBeam and content creation startup Apester