Autonomous Vehicles

20 stories about Autonomous Vehicles
עו"ד אבי ליכט 17.9.20

If you regulate them they will come: "Israel can be a leader in setting the stage for autonomous vehicles"

18.09.20|Ron Friedman
Former Deputy Attorney General Avi Licht warns Israel not to fall behind in the race to be an early adopter of the technologies of the future
ב.מ.וו סדרה 1

BMW to incorporate Israel-based Tactile Mobility tech in all new models

15.09.20|Meir Orbach
Tactile Mobility develops technology that analyzes data from car sensors and enables autonomous vehicles of different levels to get a feel of the road, using tactile data and artificial intelligence
זיו בנימיני מנכ"ל Fortellix

Autonomous vehicle vision edging closer to reality with verification by Israel's Foretellix

19.08.20|Allon Sinai
As ADAS becomes standard, Israeli autonomous car tester is spoiled for customers, even during Covid-19
בית ה משפט ה מחוזי ב תל אביב

Lawsuit claims Harman dodged millions of dollars in payments after 2016 TowerSec acquisition

05.08.20|Hagar Ravet
Sellers’ representative says Harman misled customers by marketing an architectural solution that they knew lacked substance
אלון מאסק טסלה  9.5.20

Can Tesla deliver on Musk’s Autonomous Vehicle optimism?

10.07.20|James Spiro
Musk’s claim suggests Tesla would reach level five autonomy before its main competitors, Waymo, Cruise, and Mobileye
Autonomous Cars מכוניות אוטונומיות

Israel drops two spots in KPMG’s readiness for autonomous vehicles ranking

09.07.20|James Spiro
Home to 84 automated vehicle focused companies, Israel was again ranked number one in technology and innovation
טסלה מודל 3 ישראל

Tesla Moves Ahead With Israel Launch

14.04.20|Udi Etsion and Tomer Hadar
The autonomous vehicle giant has hired local car industry veteran Ilan Benano to manage its repair service operation in the country
מוסף שבועי 27.2.20 מקסין פסברג סגנית נשיא אינטל העולמית

Intel's Maxine Fassberg Is Going Home

06.03.20|Sophie Shulman
The first lady of Israeli tech is retiring, and this time it is final
אמנון שעשוע מנכ"ל ומייסד מובילאיי במסיבת עיתונאים בתערוכת הטכנולוגיה CES

In the Race for Autonomous Vehicles, Mobileye Looks to China

14.01.20|Lilach Baumer, Las Vegas
Mobileye CEO and co-founder Amnon Shashua spoke with Calcalist during CES 2020 last week
עמדת הטענה  של רכב חשמלי טסלה 3

Israel Grounds Tesla’s Autopilot Feature

12.01.20|Tomer Hadar and Udi Etsion
Israel’s Ministry of Transport ordered the electric car company to inform customers in Israel that they are not allowed to use the vehicles’ autonomous capabilities
אמנון שעשוע מחברת מובילאיי 17.6.19

Mobileye to Operate Autonomous Taxi Fleet in South Korea

08.01.20|Lilach Baumer
Mobileye co-founder and CEO Amnon Shashua announced two new partnerships at the 2020 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Tuesday in Las Vegas
תערוכת CES 2020 לאס וגאס

2020’s Top Tech Trends According to This Year’s CES Tech Exhibition

07.01.20|Lilach Baumer, Las Vegas
Calcalist’s reporter Lilach Baumer outlines the most prominent issues the tech sector will focus on at the dawn of the new decade, according to the CES exhibition program
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6 Tech Sectors That Haven’t Lived Up to Their Potential—Yet

30.12.19|Raphael Kahan
All the technologies we know and use every day started out as no more than innovative ideas in someone's head. Some became overwhelming success stories, while others still need a little more time to mature
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Mobileye’s Autonomous Car Readiness Pilot in Barcelona Bears Fruit

03.12.19|Omer Kabir
The recent pilot, held in collaboration with the city and the Spanish Ministry of Transportation, is part of the country’s Autonomous Ready Spain project announced last year
פרופ’ אמנון שעשוע מנכ"ל מובילאיי מסכם שנתיים באינטל

Mobileye Does not Take a Single Dollar From Intel, Says CEO

06.11.19|Hagar Ravet
Almost three years after its $15.3 billion acquisition by Intel, CEO Amnon Shashua stated the company is completely self-reliant, and that its revenues jumped 20% year-over-year in the third quarter of 2019
אלכסנדר היצינגר סגן נשיא פולקסווגן

Volkswagen to Test Autonomous Vehicles in Tel Aviv in 2022, Says Executive

29.10.19|Udi Etsion
Alexander Hitzinger, senior vice president of autonomous driving at the Group, told Calcalist he estimates that Volkswagen will begin offering autonomous driving-as-a-service by 2025
אוניית מטען עמוסה ב מכולות ו מכליות

Sail Ahoy, HAL: When Computers Will Autonomously Roam the Seas

18.10.19|Dov Greenbaum
Fully autonomous ships are on the horizon for the maritime industry and will reduce risks as well as its environmental footprint
יאנדקס רכב אוטונומי

Yandex' Autonomous Vehicles to Roam Around the Heart of Tel Aviv

19.09.19|Adi Pick
The company currently has three autonomous vehicles active on Israeli roads and intends to operate an additional seven by the end of 2019
יגאל רייחלגאוז Cortica הייטקיסט

BMW, Toyota Partner With Computer Vision Company Cortica

04.09.19|Meir Orbach
The multinational car manufacturers have teamed up with Tel Aviv-based Cortica to launch a new subsidiary dedicated to artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles
צי מכוניות אוטונומיות מבית אינטל

McKinsey: Israel on Road to Become a Global Autotech Hub

28.08.19|Meir Orbach
A recent report by the global consultancy firm links Israel’s high R&D expenditure and its proficiency in cybersecurity and AI technologies to its role as a global mobility innovator