10 stories about BIRD
BIRD energy

BIRD Energy invests $7.5 million in Israel-U.S. clean energy projects

01.01.25|James Spiro
This initiative aims to foster innovation in energy efficiency, hydrogen energy, recycling, and storage.
BiblioTech Yaniv

“We all need to live our personal lives like a startup”

26.09.23|James Spiro
Yaniv Rivlin, author of "Live Like a Startup: Take The Initiative and Transform Your Life”, joined CTech to discuss the English release of his Hebrew bestselling book
Tal Kelem

Will technology answer national security challenges?

19.03.23|Tal Kelem
Though the Israeli high-tech industry is trying to close the gap in answering the first responders’ needs, it seems that the challenges are always growing and becoming more acute
ירון לוטן מנכ"ל קרן בירד BIRD

Jaron Lotan appointed as new Executive Director for the BIRD Foundation

The BIRD Foundation promotes collaborations between U.S. and Israeli companies in various technological sectors for joint product development
rami puzis, josh peleg, eitan yudilevich zafrir levy

Israeli-U.S. consortium dishes out $12 million to protect critical infrastructure against cyberattacks

The consortium, led by the BIRD Foundation and Ben-Gurion University, will allocate funding toward developing new technologies for protecting infrastructure
טל קלם 1

Tips for finding a strategic partner in the U.S.

01.03.22|Tal Kelem
A strategic partnership leverages companies’ talent and resources for mutual commercial benefit
ועידת התחזיות 2019 יובל דיסקין ראש השב"כ לשעבר ויו"ר Cymotive

Which former boss of Israel's Security Agency raised money for his startup and is the cannabis business blossoming again?

CTech Daily Roundup: Cybersecurity startup headed by former Shin Bet boss raises $7 million
בירד Bird Foundation Eitan Yudilevich

BIRD Foundation to offer $1 million for winning security technology

11.06.20|Adi Pick
The program funds up to 50% of the combined project budget, up to $1 million per project, and is repaid only if the project achieves revenue
בירד Bird Foundation Eitan Yudilevich

Agtech Startup Agroscout Raises $3 Million

06.04.20|Adi Pick
Agroscout develops an artificial intelligence-based system that identifies and monitors crop diseases, enabling farmers to improve crop yields and reduce the use of pesticide
אנרגיה מתחדשת ירוקה MIT חדשנות יזמות

U.S., Israel Issue Call for Energy and Water-Related Joint Tech Proposals

23.05.19|Adi Pick
Four awards are available, one in each of the domains of fossil energy, energy storage, energy-water nexus, and energy cyber and physical security in critical infrastructure, via The U.S.-Israel Energy Center