Bashar Assad

4 stories about Bashar Assad
מימין חגיגות ניצחון אתמול בדמשק ו פליטים סורים חוצים את הגבול מטורקיה

Syria’s reconstruction sparks economic optimism in Turkey and Jordan

10.12.24|Doron Peskin
Refugee repatriation, trade, and construction projects promise new growth opportunities for neighboring nations.
המורדים חוגגים את נפילת משטר אסד בדמשק סוריה 8.12.24 2

Assad’s legacy of scorched earth: Rebuilding Syria from the ground up

08.12.24|Doron Peskin
A $400 billion challenge in a nation devastated by war and corruption.
מוסף שבועי 14.5.20 אסמא אל אסד

How Asma Assad transformed from 'Desert Rose' into Syria's 'Iron Lady'

16.05.20|Doron Paskin
The first lady who used to feature on the cover of glamour magazines now makes headlines for pulling the strings in the war-torn nation
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Israel Confirms 2007 Attack on Syrian Nuclear Reactor

21.03.18|Noam Gil, Ynet News
Between 12:40 a.m. and 12:53 a.m. on September 6, 2007, eight Israeli Air Force aircraft dropped 24 tons of ammunition on a nuclear reactor in northeastern Syria