Benjamin Netanyahu

20 stories about Benjamin Netanyahu
נאום שמעון פרס ב הולוגרמה

Hologram of Deceased Israeli Leader Shimon Peres Inaugurates Eponymous Center Celebrating Israeli Innovation

25.10.18|Adi Pick
On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu co-hosted the Israeli Innovation Summit together with Wang Qishan, the Vice President of the People's Republic of China
בנימין נתניהו ישיבת ממשלה 12.8.18

Netanyahu Says Israel Wants “Excellent Relations” With Indonesia

15.10.18|Adi Pick
Indonesia and Israel do not have official diplomatic relations, but Israelis and Indonesians are allowed to visit each other’s countries
מוסף שבועי 28.12.17 תקציר מנהלים ג'ורדנה קטלר מנהלת המדיניות של פייסבוק ישראל

Facebook Deleted Thousands of Accounts Ahead of Israeli Municipal Elections

15.10.18|Omer Kabir and Amarelle Wenkert
The social network collaborated with an Israeli government cyber defense organization on the issue, drawing criticism about the tie-up
בנימין נתניהו ו משה כחלון בהודעה פרופ' אמיר ירון הוא הנגיד הבא

How Netanyahu Surprised Israeli Press by Taking Questions from Israeli Press

10.10.18|Omri Milman
In recent years, media-savvy Netanyahu has shown a distinct liking to engaging with his potential voters directly on social media, without having to shoulder pestering questions from the local press
בנימין נתניהו נפגש עם ג'ק מא

Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan, Jack Ma to Attend Israeli Innovation Summit

08.10.18|Hagar Ravet
Other planned attendees include Facebook executive David Marcus, venture capitalist Yuri Milner, and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt
אנגלה מרקל צילום מנהיגות

Israeli Women Entrepreneurs Rise Up to Correct Male-Only Merkel Photo Op

07.10.18|Adi Pick
The German Chancellor was the only woman present at an event celebrating tech innovation and entrepreneurship in Israel, during her two-day visit to the country
מימין ראש ממשלת ישראל בנימין נתניהו ונשיא ה פיליפינים רודריגו דוטרטה

Israeli Officials Cozy Up to Philippine President Duterte

04.09.18|Tofi Stoler
Currently on a four-day state visit to Israel, Duterte has met with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu and President Rivlin, and signed collaboration agreements between the two countries
ראש ממשלת ישראל בנימין נתניהו ישיבת ממשלה יוני 2018

Advocacy Group Likens Israeli Cyber Bill to a “New Intelligence Agency”

22.08.18|Omer Kabir
Sponsored by the Israeli Prime Minister office, the law would give Israel’s cyber defense authority far-reaching powers
בנימין נתניהו ישיבת ממשלה 12.8.18

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Presents New $8.1 Billion Missile Defense Plan

16.08.18|Amarelle Wenkert
The Israeli cabinet on Wednesday reviewed a new armaments scheme for Israel that will see the country allocate additional $8.1 billion to its defense budget for the next ten years
מימין ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ו נטע ברזילי זמרת זוכת אירוויזיון 2018

Update: Deal Reached Between Israeli Government and National Broadcaster Kan Over Eurovision Budget

15.08.18|Omri Milman and Tofi Stoler
Following prolonged negotiations, the Israeli Finance Ministry has agreed to reimburse the 12 million euros in securities Kan was required to submit by Tuesday, if the contest is canceled for any reason that is out of Kan’s hands
נטע ברזילי בביצוע הגמר של אירוויזיון 2018 3

National Broadcaster to Netanyahu: Send Money, or Pass On Opportunity to Host Eurovision Contest

13.08.18|Yoav Stoler
In a letter sent to Netanyahu on Sunday, the broadcaster warned it will not provide the securities required to hold the song contest in Israel, should the government fail to secure the full budget required for the event
שדה דב תל אביב

Netanyahu Resurfaces Plan to Build Artificial Island Airport Off Israel’s Coast

In 2002, the Israeli government first approved a plan to construct two artificial islands for housing and public utilities
נטע ברזילי בביצוע הגמר של אירוויזיון 2018 3

Israel Tanks Plans to Split National Broadcaster Citing Eurovision Contest Rules

03.07.18|Zvi Zerahia
A bill passed by the Israeli parliament cited letters from the European Broadcasting Union stating that the split may jeopardize Israel’s role as host of the international song contest in 2019
בנימין נתניהו בכנס הסייבר

Israeli Civil Liberties Groups Warn Against Potential for Abuse in Cybersecurity Bill

25.06.18|Omer Kabir
Government officials have refused to be interviewed about the bill or to make public comments in its defense
בנימין נתניהו ישיבת ממשלה 17.5.18

Benjamin Netanyahu Meets With Jordan’s King Abdullah II in Amman

This is the Israeli prime minister’s first public meeting with the Jordanian monarch since 2014
הצהרת בנימין נתניהו על הגרעין האיראני 2

As Israel Faces Drought, Netanyahu Offers Iran Help in Tackling Water Crisis

11.06.18|Tofi Stoler
The Israeli prime minister is currently running an active diplomatic campaign against Iran’s leadership, most specifically against the nuclear program deal, from which the U.S. announced it is withdrawing in May
ג'ארד קושנר בעל של איוונקה טראמפ יועץ הנשיא

U.S. to Propose Israeli Concessions in Jerusalem as Part of Peace Plan, Report Says

22.05.18|Lilach Baumer
The relocation of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem last week saw a spike in Israeli-Palestinian violence
מבקר המדינה יוסף שפירא 2

Watchdog Tells Israeli Prime Minister and Ministers They Cannot Buy Cryptocurrencies

17.05.18|Shahar Ilan
The Israeli state comptroller has issued a guideline stating that Israeli government cabinet members should avoid using cryptocurrencies as long as the matter remains unregulated, for fear of conflicts of interest
בנימין נתניהו וראש ממשלת הודו נרנדרה מודי בים

India-Israel Business Relations Carve New Paths

After decades of lukewarm ties, Indian-Israeli relations have shifted gears in recent years
חדר מיון בית חולים וולפסון

CTech’s Weekly Roundup of Israeli Tech News

Israel blurs the line between defense apparatus and local cybersecurity hub. Israel to share new national health database with local tech industry