
3 stories about Carmel
Lotus Tech Hub

The Druze women coders of the Carmel Mountains

06.03.25|Ariela Karmel
A growing number of religious Druze women from Daliyat al-Karmel are entering the world of high-tech with the help of Lotus, a program launched in 2019 that trains them to become front-end developers, providing mentorship, job placement, and a workspace. 
דוקטור רותם שמש מנהלת מחקר ופיתוח בקבוצת בזן

Scientist Researching Plastics Aims to Eliminate the New Car Smell for Good

11.08.19|Sophie Shulman
Rotem Shemesh heads a lab that develops innovative plastics for Israeli petrochemical company Carmel
רכב משוריין צה"ל פרויקט הכרמל רפאל מבחוץ

Israel’s Defense Ministry Demonstrates New Autonomous Armored Vehicles

05.08.19|Udi Etsion
Dubbed Carmel, the new vehicles are intended to replace the Merkava tank, Israel’s main battle tank for the past three decades. The lightweight, self-driving vehicles come equipped with artillery capabilities