
20 stories about Conference
נעם קנטי שותף מנהל EY

“Despite the difficulties, large funds and international companies are making large investments in Israel”

12.09.24|Maayan Manela
Noam Canetti, managing partner of EY Israel, was speaking at the Journey conference in Tel Aviv. 
כנס כלכלית לאומית - יואל אסתרון מו"ל כלכליסט

Rage is not an action plan

15.07.24|Yoel Esteron
We must recruit more and more Israelis to the camp of those who believe in democracy and offer our neighbors a better future than the temptations of radical Islam, said Calcalist publisher Yoel Esteron at the opening of the National Economic Conference. 
כנס השקעות ופיננסים – עדי שחף

“The current situation demonstrates the strong resilience of the Israeli market despite the ongoing war”

18.06.24|Shaked Green
Adi Shachaf, ​Executive Vice President, Head of Financial Division & Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Mizrahi-Tefahot Bank, was speaking about financing the government deficit during wartime at Calcalist and Migdal's Investment and Finance conference
כנס השקעות ופיננסים - רונן אגסי

“Israel’s economy is remarkable. When we emerge from the crisis, we will experience a positive explosion”

18.06.24|Maayan Manela
Ronen Agassi, CEO of Migdal Group Insurance and Finance was speaking during Calcalist and Migdal's Investment and Finance conference 
כנס חוסן ישראל אבי חסון מנכל Startup Nation Central

"I have great faith in the power of the Israeli startup, and I foresee a 'startup boom' after the war"

09.04.24|Shaked Green
Avi Hasson, CEO of Startup Nation Central, was speaking at Calcalist's Israel Resilience Conference
כנס חוסן ישראל יואל אסתרון מול כלכליסט

It is difficult to be optimistic, but we have no choice

09.04.24|Yoel Esteron
"We must remind ourselves that most Israelis are willing to fight for the existence of the state and fight for its democratic values. Most Israelis want and can continue the Israeli miracle," said Calcalist Publisher Yoel Esteron at the Israeli Resilience Conference
פאדי קוסגרייב פאדי קוסגרוב

Cosgrave returns as Web Summit CEO six months after stepping down over Israel war crimes accusations

Cosgrave apologized and resigned last October after blaming Israel of committing war crimes in Gaza, accusations that led to the likes of Google, Meta, Intel, Amazon, and Stripe all pulling out of the conference
מימין ניר בר דעה חנן פרידמן מיה אייזן צפריר אריק אדמס ועידת ניו יורק

Back to New York: Who’s who at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech 2024 conference

03.03.24|Omer Kabir
The best of Israel’s dynamic high-tech industry and American business leaders will come together on March 4th in Calcalist and Bank Leumi’s 6th annual conference to stand with Israeli tech
Web Summit

Web Summit still reeling from Cosgrave crisis with replacement stepping down after just 3 months

25.01.24|James Spiro
Katherine Maher is leaving the role of CEO and Chairperson to run NPR, the American non-profit media group
כנס הגיימינג של ישראל ליאור קינן סמנכ"ל בכיר אסטרטגיות צמיחה, Playtika וידאו

“Playtika intends to continue to invest in Israeli companies and continue to acquire Israeli firms”

14.09.23|Maayan Manela
Lior Kenan, SVP at Playtika Growth Ventures, was speaking during the Calcalist gaming conference
 כנס IPM לידר שוקי הון איתי אלנתן שותף מנהל מנכל לידר הון וידאו

“By the end of this decade, Israeli institutional investors’ total AUM should reach $1.4 trillion”

Itay Elnatan, CEO of Leader Private Capital, offered insights about the years ahead in his opening remarks at the Israel Private Markets Summit
כנס מקומי קום דניאל קורן מנכל עזריאלי דוט קום וידאו

"The biggest driver in the world of e-commerce today is the marketplace"

03.07.23|Maya Nahum Shahal
Daniel Korn, CEO of, was speaking at Calcalist’s e-commerce conference
כנס מקומי קום עדי אשכנזי מנהל תעשיית איקומרס גוגל ישראל כנס כלכליסט וידאו

“At Google there is a constant drive to enhance AI”

03.07.23|Maya Nahum Shahal
Adi Ashkenazy, Industry Manager, Retail - Ecom and branding at Google, also noted that most of Google's products already incorporate AI
כנס מקומי קום יפית גריאני משנה למנכל וראש חטיבת לקוחות עסקיים ישראכארט וידאו

"Purchasing power is starting to weaken, and the cost of products is increasing”

03.07.23|Tomer Hadar
Yafit Gheriani, Deputy CEO & Head of Business Clients Division at Isracard, was speaking during Calcalist’s e-commerce conference
כנס מקומי קום ענת הורוביץ סמנכלית פעילות עסקית גוגל ישראל וידאו

“The form of search and the way we interact with search engines are changing”

03.07.23|Orna Yefet
Anat Horvitz, Director, Sector Lead at Google, added that “We are learning to search in a more detailed and sophisticated manner, providing more descriptive inputs as if we are having a conversation”
כנס ניהול פיננסי בעידן החדש גילי הוך סמנכלית אסטרטגיה ופיתוח עסקי ישראכרט

"Every company will become a financial services company”

26.06.23|Almog Azar
Gili Hoch, EVP, Head of Strategy and Business Development at Isracard, was speaking at the Financial Innovation conference in Tel Aviv
כנס ניהול פיננסי בעידן החדש פאנל מימין רו"ח צבי שיף משה קמחי אור ליבן אביבית בנדר אייל גפני מנחה: עירית אבישר וידאו

"The fintech startup space has gone back about 4-5 years this year"

26.06.23|Irad Atzmon Schmayer
Zvi Shif, Senior Partner, Head of Financial Cluster at BDO Israel, was speaking during a panel discussion at the Financial Innovation conference
ועידת טוקיו 2023 אירוע דנטסו מירית רבינוביץ' וידאו

Dentsu Israel CEO: "Whoever taps into the Japanese market will succeed in all of Asia"

06.06.23|Meir Orbach, Adrian Filut
Mirit Rabinovitz, CEO of Dentsu's Israeli arm, was speaking at "Dentsu Day" as part of Calcalist’s Israel-Japan conference in Tokyo
ועידת טוקיו 2023 נוריוקי אנדו נשיא ומנכ'ל Suntory Global Innovation Center

"The blending of Israeli high-tech and the promotion of health that we lead can become a winning combination"

31.05.23|Adrian Filut
Noriyuki Ando, President and CEO of the beverage company Suntory Global Innovation Center was speaking at Calcalist’s Israel-Japan Conference