
20 stories about Conference
קווין סמית' KPMG  ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

The U.K. Has a Strong Tech-Focused Post-Brexit Strategy, Says KPMG Partner

16.09.19|Sophie Shulman and Omer Kabir
Over 100 Israeli startups met with 25 U.K. and European corporations and investors during the Meet and Pitch event held during Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
דינה פסקא רז ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

For Global Taxation, it Was One Man Who Made the Difference, Says KPMG Partner

13.09.19|Elihay Vidal
Dina Pasca-Raz, a partner at the Israel branch of international accounting firm KPMG, spoke about the OECD’s tax policy director Pascal Saint-Amans at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
מימין איילת תבור ג'ונתן טיודור ג'ון סטיוארט ריקש שאה ו חיים שני ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

Israeli Startups, U.K. Companies, a Love Story

Ayelet Mavor, the director of the UK Israel Tech Hub hosted a panel on collaborations between Israeli startups and U.K.-based corporations at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
אריאל אביטן ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

Autonomous Drones Can Help Cut Down on Costs and Time, Says Percepto Co-Founder

12.09.19|Omer Kabir
Ariel Avitan, co-founder of autonomous drone developer Percepto, spoke Thursday at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
מימין אביעד הראל נמרוד קוזלובסקי רפאל סוירי תומר וינגרטן ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

Riding the Unicorn: of Startups, Investors, and Overblown Valuations

HFN’s Nimrod Kozlovski hosted a panel on unicorns at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London on Thursday
מימין ג'ון מדבד ו ריצ'רד אנטון ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

Israel’s Tech Brand Succeeds Where its Political Brand Fails, Says Oxx Founder

12.09.19|Omer Kabir
Richard Anton, founder and general partner at growth capital firm Oxx, spoke Thursday at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
אומיד אשתארי נשיא ומנהל הפעילות העסקית Citymapper ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

The Future of Mobility Is Greener, Says Citymapper President

12.09.19|Omer Kabir
Omid Ashtari spoke Thursday at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
אמה לויד סקיי איזי וידרה ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

AI: the End of the World as We Know it?

12.09.19|Sophie Shulman
Sky’s Emma Lloyd and venture capitalist Eze Vidra discussed the future of media Thursday at Calcalist’s third Mind the Tech conference in London
יואל אסתרון מו"ל כלכליסט ועידת לונדון 2019 mind the tech

Tech Innovators Must Take a Stand Against Loose Cannon Leaders

12.09.19|Yoel Esteron
The biggest threat to innovation and technology may well be politicians, Calcalist's publisher Yoel Esteron said at the Mind the Tech Conference, London
כלכליסט mind the tech אירוע קוקטייל לונדון

Wine and Mingle: Mind the Tech's Cocktail Party

Top business leaders from Israel and the U.K. met Wednesday night at the conference's opening party
ועידת לונדון 2019 טדי שגיא

Businessman Teddy Sagi Opens Calcalist’s Mind the Tech Conference

12.09.19|Elihay Vidal
Sagi spoke Wednesday night at the conference’s opening cocktail party in London
לונדון מונית אוטובוס

Tonight in London: Israel’s Tech Stars Meet London’s Top Businesspeople

08.09.19|Omer Kabir
Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference is heading to London for the third time. On Thursday, Israeli entrepreneurs and tech leaders will meet with key executives at U.K. and multinational corporations
מימין גבי אשכנזי אביגדור ליברמן אהוד ברק הוועידה הכלכלית 2019

Calcalist’s Economic Conference to Host Top Industry Leaders, Politicians in Tel Aviv

28.08.19|Naomi Zoref
Held in collaboration with Bank Leumi, one of Israel’s two largest banks, the conference will take place on September 2, at Tel Aviv’s David InterContinental hotel
לונדון קו רקיע מגדלים 01

Ready for Takeoff Take 2: These Startups Are Going to London

13.08.19|Naomi Zoref
The second group of startups selected to participate in Calcalist's upcoming Mind the Tech Conference in London revealed
לונדון קו רקיע מגדלים 02

London Awaits Israeli Innovation: Who’s Who at Calcalist’s MindTheTech Conference

08.08.19|Omer Kabir
On September 11-13, top tier innovation leaders from the U.K. and Israel will gather in London to take part in an exclusive innovation event held by Calcalist
הקברניט מטוס נוסעים נחיתה טיסה

Ready for Takeoff: These Startups Are Going to London

06.08.19|Naomi Zoref
The first group of startups selected to participate in Calcalist's upcoming Mind the Tech Conference in London revealed
כנס שוק ההון 2019  אורי גרינפלד כלכלן ראשי בית ההשקעות פסגות

Israel’s Budget Deficit Can Be Treated, But Inflation Will Be Impacted, Says Economist

03.07.19|Naomi Zoref
Ori Greenfeld, chief economist and strategist at Israel-based Psagot investment House, spoke Wednesday at Calcalist’s annual Capital Markets Conference in Tel Aviv
כנס שוק ההון 2019 ענת גואטה יושב ראש רשות לניירות ערך

Resignation Wave of Finance Executives the Result of Extraneous Regulation, Says ISA Chair

03.07.19|Naomi Zoref
Anat Guetta, the chairwoman of the Israel Securities Authority, spoke Wednesday at Calcalist’s annual Capital Markets Conference in Tel Aviv
דניאל מלכה  מנכ"ל IBM ישראל כנס פינטק 2019

Only Organizations Adapted to the Digital Revolution Will Survive, Says IBM Israel CEO

25.06.19|Meir Orbach
Daniel Melka spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
פיליפ סרף מנכ"ל השקעות בנקאיות טכנולוגיות בחטיבת המזרח התיכון קרדיט סוויס כנס פינטק 2019

The Finance Industry Will Change Profoundly in the Next Five Years, Says Credit Suisse Exec

24.06.19|Adi Barak
Philippe Cerf, a managing director in the investment banking and capital markets division of Credit Suisse, spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG