
20 stories about Conference
הודי זק ראש החטיבה הטכנולוגית מערך הסייבר הלאומי כנס פינטק 2019

The Financial Sector is the Target of Most Cyber Attacks, Says Israeli Exec

24.06.19|Meir Orbach
Hudi Zack, the chief executive director of the technology unit at the Israel National Cyber Directorate, spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
יובל טל מייסד Payoneer כנס פינטק 2019

Payoneer Will Do Anything to Partner With Libra, Says Founder

24.06.19|Hagar Ravet
Yuval Tal spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
ד"ר חדוה בר המפקחת על הבנקים כנס פינטק 2019

Facebook’s Libra Will Disrupt Central Banks, Forcing Them to Adjust Their Policies, Says Israeli Banking Regulator

24.06.19|Hagar Ravet
Hedva Ber spoke at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
יפעת אורון מנכלי"ת לאומיטק כנס פינטק 2019

AI and Big Data Are the Future of Finance, Says LeumiTech CEO

24.06.19|Meir Orbach
Yifat Oron spoke Monday at a fintech conference held in Tel Aviv by Calcalist, Bank Leumi’s tech banking arm LeumiTech, and accounting firm KPMG
ביל מרצ'ק חוקר בכיר Citizen Lab ועידת ניו יורק 2019

Self Probe Won’t Cut it for Israeli Spyware Company NSO, Says Citizen Lab Researcher

17.04.19|Omer Kabir
Bill Marczak, a senior fellow researcher at the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab, a digital and human rights research group, spoke Thursday at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech Conference in New York
איתי פלב שותף KPMG ועידת ניו יורק 2019

The Five Elements Every Company Looking to Raise Money Must Have, According to KPMG Partner

14.04.19|Adi Barak
Itay Falb spoke at Calcalist’s third annual Mind the Tech conference in New York
נדב צפריר מייסד ומנכ"ל Team8 ועידת ניו יורק 2019

Cyber Attackers Only Need to Be Smart Once, Says Former Unit 8200 Chief

14.04.19|Meir Orbach
The elite unit’s former commander Nadav Zafrir spoke at Calcalist’s third annual Mind the Tech conference in New York
ועידת ניו יורק קדילאק ינון אלרועי

Calcalist's Third Annual Mind the Tech Conference Opens in New York

Mind the Tech has become one of the key events of the Israeli tech sector, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, and business partners from the U.S. and Israel for networking and business development
נמרוד קוזלבסקי ו מאיה קוזלבסקי כנס כשטכנולוגיה פוגשת ילדים

The Disputed Territory of Technology Plus Kids

07.02.19|Omri Milman and Naomi Zoreff
Entrepreneurs and researchers discussed subjects including technology-based education, advertising to children, and the potential effects of gaming at a Calcalist and Bank Leumi event on Tuesday
ברלין קנאביס

WeTechBerlin Conference to Showcase Israeli Startups, Part Four

04.02.19|Adi Pick
Calcalist will host a two-day tech and innovation conference in Berlin on February 18-19. As part of the event, Calcalist is leading a delegation of some 50 Israeli startups
ברלין זירת הנדל"ן

WeTechBerlin Conference to Showcase Israeli Startups, Part Three

29.01.19|Adi Pick
Calcalist will host a two-day tech and innovation conference in Berlin on February 18-19. As part of the event, Calcalist is leading a delegation of some 50 Israeli startups
מגדל הטלוויזיה של ברלין Fernsehturm

WeTechBerlin Conference to Showcase Israeli Startups

21.01.19|Adi Pick and Naomi Zoreff
Calcalist will host a two-day tech and innovation conference in Berlin on February 18-19. As part of the event, Calcalist is leading a delegation of some 50 Israeli startups
מגדל הטלוויזיה של ברלין Fernsehturm

Berlin to Host Israeli Tech Conference

03.01.19|Adi Pick
Leading figures from industry and government will convene February 18-19 at Calcalist’s WeTechBerlin conference
ועידת התחזיות 2019 בצלאל מכליס נשיא ו מנכ"ל אלביט

Our Arms Sales in Africa Are Marginal, Says Elbit CEO

31.12.18|Naomi Zoref
Bezhalel Machlis, CEO of Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems, spoke Monday at Calcalist’s Forecasts 2019 conference in Tel Aviv
ועידת התחזיות 2019 ציפי לבני ראש האופוזיציה

Israeli Opposition Head Blasts Putin Over Syria Arms Deals

31.12.18|Adi Pick
Russia’s state news agency TASS reported in October that Moscow provided S-300 air defense systems to Syria’s military free of charge. Netanyahu called the move “irresponsible”
ועידת תשתיות תקשורת שירה גרינברג משרד האוצר

Without Better Broadband Infrastructure, Israel Will Lag Behind in Productivity, Official Says

27.12.18|Naomi Zoref
Better broadband infrastructure is key to all technological innovation, Shira Greenberg, an official at the Israeli Ministry of Finance said speaking at Calcalist’s telecommunications conference
דיוויד פרידמן טקס ב שגרירות ארה"ב ב ירושלים

How the U.S. Embassy Attempts to Boost Arab Tech Entrepreneurship in Israel

19.12.18|Adi Pick
While Israeli Arabs make up roughly 21% of Israel’s population, they only hold 3% of the country’s tech jobs
ועידת MIND THE DATA מינגלינג כנס ביג דאטה 2018

Israeli Execs Weigh In on Big Data and AI Impact

Israeli entrepreneurs and executives convened to discuss how big data and artificial intelligence can be used to tackle the challenges faced by industry and society at Calcalist’s annual Mind the Data conference
ועידת MIND THE DATA פרד סימון Fred Simon Co-Founder Jfrog

Humanity Delegates Data Management to Machines, Says JFrog Co-Founder

12.12.18|Adi Barak
Fred Simon spoke Tuesday at Calcalist's Mind the Data conference in Tel Aviv
ועידת MIND THE DATA כריסטין בוסנברג ראש מחלקת המחקר הגלובלית ב-KPMG העולמית

The Biggest Challenge for AI in Today's Market? It's Misunderstood, says KPMG Exec

12.12.18|Adi Barak
Kristin Boesenberg, head of KPMG's global insights center, spoke about the challenges and key factors for successful AI implementation in today's market at Calcalist's Mind the Data conference