
20 stories about Conference
למכירה דירה פריז 5.775 מיליון יורו

Israeli Tech is Coming to the Paris Motor Show

09.05.18|Omer Kabir
Calcalist will lead a delegation that will present Israeli technologies, together with events firm Connecting Leaders Club
ועידת תעשייה ישראלית 2018 אורי יהודאי מנכ"ל פרוטרום

If Israel Does Nothing, It Will Have No Industry in Ten Years, Says Frutarom CEO

01.05.18|Hezi Sternlicht
Ori Yehudai, president and CEO of Israel-based flavor and fragrance company Frutarom, believes Israel must work together with industry leaders on a long-term plan to increase its GDP
כנס אוכל וטכנולוגיה 23.4.18 אווירה אנשים

Tel Aviv Event Highlights Oncoming Disruption of Food Industry

25.04.18|Meir Orbach and Yoav Stoler
On Monday night, Israeli food enthusiasts gathered to talk about the meeting points of food and tech
קובי הבר מכהן כראש החטיבה העסקית והמסחרית של בנק לאומי ועידת ניו יורק

Aggressive Competition Over Talent Hurts Israeli Tech, Says Head of LeumiTech

Yaakov (Koby) Haber, chairman of LeumiTech, spoke at Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference in New York last week
יאניס אנדטוקומבו מילווקי באקס דאנק NBA

CTech’s Wednesday Israeli Tech News Roundup

WeWork’s courting of Israeli investors continues. James Woolsey’s take on Trump’s new pick for State. Nasdaq expecting five Israeli IPOs in 2018
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק ירון גלאי אאוטבריין

The Only Way to Fight Fake News Is to Destroy Its Business Model, Outbrain CEO Says

14.03.18|Omer Kabir and Hagar Ravet
Google and Facebook have a model that is based purely on the number of clicks and this gives advertisers an incentive to create fake news, content promotion company Outbrain’s CEO Yaron Galai said in an interview at Calcalist’s the Mind the Tech conference in New York
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק גוזף ליברמן

Joe Lieberman Calls for Government Mandates on Private Sector Cybersecurity

14.03.18|Hagar Ravet
Former Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman spoke at Calcalist's Mind the Tech conference, held in New York this week
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק אהרון אהרון

Data Shows 2017 Was a Very Good Year for Israeli Tech, Says Commerce Official

14.03.18|Hagar Ravet
600 startups were founded, acquisitions of Israeli companies reached $24 billion and research and development amounted to 4.3% of Israel’s gross domestic product, said the CEO of Israel’s Innovation Authority
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק נמרוד קוזלובסקי

Data is Becoming the Core of the Digital Ecosystem, Says Venture Capitalist

14.03.18|Nimrod Kozlovski
Nimrod Kozlovski, partner at Jerusalem Venture Partners (JVP) and Israel-based law firm HFN, spoke at Calcalist's Mind the Tech conference in New York Tuesday
כנס כלכליסט רן הר נבו

A Startup that Wants to Help Expats Connect

14.03.18|Meir Orbach
People feel more comfortable with people who share their own cultural background, according to Ran Harnevo, CEO of Homeis
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק יניב ארליך

"All of the World's Data Could Fit into a Single Room of Genetic Information"

14.03.18|Orr Hirschauge
DNA could be used for the long-term storage of information, according to Yaniv Erlich, the CSO of online genealogy company MyHeritage, who spoke at Calcalist's Mind the Tech conference in New York on Tuesday
ועידת ניו יורק אביטל בק MilkStrip

Big Data Derived from Breast Milk Could Bring Medical Benefits to Adults, Says Breast Milk Testing Startup CEO

13.03.18|Omer Kabir
Israel-based MilkStrip develops a testing strip that tests the quality and makeup of breast milk using a single drop
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק דוד ברודט

There's No Multinational Today That Isn't Involved in The Israeli Tech Scene

13.03.18|Hagar Ravet
Israel is a technological powerhouse but further improvements are needed to keep its momentum, said David Brodet, Chairman of Bank Leumi, at Calcalist's Mind the Tech conference in New York
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק יואל אסתרון

The Startup that Predates 1948

13.03.18|Yoel Esteron
The refugees that made the Israeli miracle possible were entrepreneurs and innovators before those words became a technological catchphrase. Calcalist's publisher Yoel Esteron at the Mind the Tech Conference, New York
מינגלינג אווירה ועידת ניו יורק גלריה

Calcalist's Tech Conference in New York City Opens

13.03.18|Meir Orbach and Orr Hirschauge
Over a hundred startups are represented at the conference, which aims to bring together promising Israeli startups and New York investors
רנדי צוקרברג

Israeli Tech Conference in New York to Feature Randi Zuckerberg as Keynote Speaker

Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference will be held in New York and will feature leaders of industry and government
יוזמות 2018 מימין הגר רבט ליהי צלניק מנור שלומית וייס מיכל קיסוס הרצוג עדי סופר תאני פיונה דרמון

Women Tech Entrepreneurs Discuss Barriers to Advancement

25.02.18|Sefi Krupsky
Even with many women graduating from Israeli military’s elite cyber and intelligence units, the gender disparity in Israeli tech is still jarring
קו חוף תל אביב זירת הנדלן

CTech’s Daily Israeli Tech News Roundup

Digital wallet startup colu raises $20 million in ICO. New York to host Israeli tech conference. Merck and WuXi AppTec announce launch of biotech incubator in Israel
ועידת ניו יורק אריק דוד ברודט אביגיל פוזנר זאב אלקין אראל מרגלית

New York to Host Israeli Tech Conference

20.02.18|Omer Kabir
Leading figures from industry and government will convene March 12-14 at Calcalist’s second New York City tech conference
מדבד מדווד

Jerusalem-based Equity Crowdfunding Firm Says It's on Track to Top $1 Billion in Assets Managed

31.01.18|Tofi Stoler
OurCrowd has raised $650 million for 145 companies and 12 funds to date