
6 stories about Construction
רחפן של Civdrone סיבדרון שותל יתד אתר בנייה

This Startup Makes Drones That Drive Stakes Into the Ground

15.11.18|Tofi Stoler
Israel-based Civdrone develops a device that turns commercially available drones into land surveying, measuring, and marking machines for construction sites
מגזין נדל"ן 12.7.17 פועל סיני פועל בניין

Following a Series of Fatal Work Accidents, China Blacklists Some Israeli Construction Sites

30.05.18|Nimrod Bousso
Update: Israeli lawmaker requested an urgent parliament discussion regarding China’s refusal to approve the allocation of Chinese workers for Jerusalem construction sites
מייסדי INTSITE צח רם און ו מור רם און

Startup Developing Machine Vision for Cranes Raises $1.35 Million

27.05.18|Tofi Stoler
Israel-based IntSite, uses computer vision to help operate cranes in a safer way
אתר בנייה ב רחוב יפת ב יפו נדל"ן מנוף מנופים עגורן עגורנים

Israeli Real Estate Company Partners With AI Startup IntSite to Develop Autonomous Cranes

27.03.18|Tofi Stoler
Real estate group Shikun & Binui will provide resources for the development of an artificial intelligence-based system capable of autonomously operating a crane within a construction site
מייסדי בילדאפ אורן כהן ויעל שרמן

Construction Site App Developer Raises $7 Million

21.11.17|Asaf Shalev
Palo Alto, California-based Buildup Technologies is trying to make construction sites more efficient by introducing digital tools for communication and workflow management
בנייה מנוף זירת הנדלן

Uniqai Systems Wants to Streamline Construction Planning

Co-founder Nadav Poplawski’s early-stage startup is bringing machine learning- and artificial intelligence-powered software to the construction domain