
5 stories about Court
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Mobile Payments Startup Backed by Supermodel Bar Refaeli Braces for Illiquidity

07.02.18|Hagar Ravet
Quick Check’s digital wallet is in use in the U.S., the U.K., Israel and Brazil. The company reported cash flow problems in court filings
נאסד"ק וול סטריט

SEC Hires an Israel-Based Lawyer to Handle Mobileye Insider Trading Investigation

28.01.18|Tomer Ganon and Ran Abramson
In November, the SEC asked for the Israeli authorities' assistance in obtaining witness testimonials from five Israeli residents
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Italy Takes Fight over Telit’s Taxes to Supreme Court

15.01.18|Lilach Baumer
The Italian tax authorities are appealing a previous court decision received in favor of the Israel-based chipmaker's Italian subsidiary
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Facebook Folds, Restores Disputed Page Following Court Ruling

18.12.17|Lilach Baumer and Moshe Gorali
On Sunday, the company requested a stay of execution from the Supreme Court of Israel, after a district court judge ordered it to reinstate a removed page by 6 p.m.
אננס אננסים

MediWound Loses Stock Purchase Agreement Case

14.11.17|Dror Reich
The burn and wound treatment company was ordered to follow through on previous agreement to buy shares of biotech company Polyheal