
3 stories about Cyota
מוסף שבועי 3.8.23 צילום על זכוכית מיכל צור שלו

"The protest is the startup that will rebuild Israel”

03.08.23|Diana Bahur-Nir
Michal Tsur-Shalev brings with her to the protest the legacy of her father, who was blind but also omnipotent, and of her mother, who did not shy away from public confrontations. This gives her the strength to grow high-tech companies and to continue to battle
נפתלי בנט ימינה 3.5.21

Israel PM Bennett nets millions from Payoneer SPAC offering

24.06.21|Elihay Vidal
The new Prime Minister made his initial fortune from the sale of Cyota, but has since also made several successful investments
Sisense Amir Orad

“I believe that every application on the planet will be smarter or irrelevant”

11.06.21|James Spiro
Sisense CEO Amir Orad joins CTech to talk about the future of work in a data-driven world