4 stories about DDR&D
מינהלת AI

“Israel will deploy units combining human fighters with autonomous tools”

01.01.25|Yuval Azulay
The Ministry of Defense unveils its new AI and Autonomy Administration to develop cutting-edge autonomous tools, aiming to enhance operational efficiency, reduce casualties, and secure Israel's battlefield supremacy.  
הקברניט חמאס רקטות כיפת ברזל

Ministry of Defense taps VCs to fund weapon development

06.07.21|Udi Etsion
MoD representatives have held talks with venture capital funds regarding making joint investments in startups that are developing technology that can be used both in the defense and civilian sectors
Navigation Technologies Center IAI

IAI launches new tech center with Ministry of Defense’s DDR&D

10.03.21|James Spiro
The center will enable the production of navigation systems to address challenges in the modern battlefield
תא"ל ד"ר דני גולד ראש מנהלת המחקר והפיתוח במשרד הביטחון

Israel's Tech Dream Team Is Closing In on Coronavirus Breakthroughs

31.03.20|Udi Etsion
Daniel Gold, head of the country's national emergency team, thinks his cross-industry team of experts can rise to the challenge of Covid-19