Dov Greenbaum

20 stories about Dov Greenbaum
פיצה פיצרייה עסקים קטנים

From Oberlin to an Israeli Pizzeria: Defamation Lawsuits Are Liable to Hamper Free Speech

21.06.19|Dov Greenbaum
Defamation lawsuits are a double-edged sword and can attract unwanted attention in an age where most of us prefer to be anonymous
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When ET Calls, Who Should Pick Up the Phone?

07.06.19|Dov Greenbaum
Billions of dollars are invested in attempts to contact extraterrestrial life, but legislation is still lagging. The law needs to determine who should respond to alien attempts to contact earth, and how
תחנת החלל הבינלאומית נאס"א אסטרונאוטים אסטרונאוט

Space Is One Big Petri Dish

31.05.19|Dov Greenbaum
With return missions to Mars already in the works, it is prudent to develop best practices and protocols to avoid contamination to and from Earth
קעקוע קעקועים

Think Before You Ink: in the Age of Biometrics, Tattoos Are Becoming a Major Privacy Issue

24.05.19|Dov Greenbaum
Like a fingerprint, every tattoo is ostensibly unique and can be used by law enforcement agencies and other entities for identification and profiling
תקיפת צה"ל רצועת עזה

What Israel's Bombing of Hamas Hackers May Mean for the Insurance Industry

17.05.19|Dov Greenbaum
Commonly considered as an act of war, insurance companies often claim cyberattacks are excluded from their policies. Military action against hackers may strengthen the case for insurers, but also give birth to new types of policies
מרוצי סוסים

The CRISPR Races

10.05.19|Dov Greenbaum
From racehorse breeding to human medicine, CRISPR gene editing is the future. Researchers worldwide are racing for the patent
קים קרדשיאן

From Calvin Kleins to Pharmaceuticals: How Regulators Try to Keep the Kardashian SponCon Empire at Bay

03.05.19|Dov Greenbaum
While various regulatory bodies attempt to apply consumer protection principles to sponsored content, in many ways it is still the Wild West, writes researcher Dov Greenbaum
רובוטים רובוט מנקה שואב אוטומטי איירובוט איי רובוט

Spring Cleaning Rituals Now Include Robots, Potential Surveillance

19.04.19|Dov Greenbaum
As the Passover holiday draws near, many Israelis are joining in annual spring cleaning rituals, with smart cleaning devices shouldering more of the load
קלפי בחירות אנשים מצביעים זירת הנדל"ן

As Israel Votes, One Question Glares: How Come We Still Cast Paper Ballots?

09.04.19|Dov Greenbaum
An archaic paper ballot-based voting system seems anathema to the ethos of the Startup Nation, but are emerging voting technologies up to the challenge? And are the worth the risks?
דונלד טראמפ ב בית הלבן 10.10.18

Forget April Fools—Today Is Fake News Day

01.04.19|Dov Greenbaum
There is nothing new about fake news, but the internet and social media services significantly increase the speed of its creation and its reach
אפל וואטש Apple Watch

Who Is the Apple Watch Watching Your Health for?

29.03.19|Dov Greenbaum
As recreational health trackers such as the Apple Watch and Fitbit become more popular, ethical questions regarding medical confidentiality, privacy, and the importance of accountable diagnoses arise
זיהוי פנים ניטור המוני פרטיות

Where Everybody Knows Your Face

22.03.19|Dov Greenbaum
Researcher Dov Greenbaum examines how legislation affects facial recognition technology for better or worse
עימות בין תומכי טראמפ ילידים אמריקאיים Confrontation between Trump supporters and Native Americans

Does the Right to Be Forgotten Mean Never Having to Say You’re Sorry?

15.03.19|Dov Greenbaum
Taking down offensive online content when it becomes problematic to our narrative is not a new concept but a standard operating procedure, replacing the socially responsible practice of acknowledging mistakes and apologizing for them
קניות מדפים סופר סופרמרקט מזון

You Have Been Nudged

08.03.19|Dov Greenbaum
Nudging—the form of benevolent manipulation that orchestrates our daily choices—has become increasingly prevalent in the past decade
מוסף שבועי 13.7.17 הסוף שלנו הרובוטית סופיה רובוט עם בינה מלאכותית

Can a Golem Have a Birthday and Other Questions of Legal Personhood

01.03.19|Dov Greenbaum
After ruling on the legal personhood of corporations and animals, courts must decide whether artificial intelligence should have legal accountability, as well as rights
תחנת החלל הבינלאומית נאס"א אסטרונאוטים אסטרונאוט

Is Space the Final Frontier for Copyright and Patent Law?

22.02.19|Dov Greenbaum
Space, in general, represents an inherent problem for patents, as they are fundamentally territorial, while space is axiomatically extraterritorial to all countries, writes researcher Dov Greenbaum
רופא שיניים ילד

How Netflix’s Quarrel With Dentists Reflects on the First Amendment

15.02.19|Dov Greenbaum
As U.S. dentists accuse Netflix of spreading misinformation on root canals in a recent documentary, researcher Dov Greenbaum discusses whether filmmakers should be held responsible for bad science
פורטנייט משחק מובייל גיימינג

How Fortnite Danced Its Way Into Uncharted Legal Waters

04.02.19|Dov Greenbaum
Researcher Dov Greenbaum outlines the legal implications of recreating potentially copyrighted materials such as dance moves or even famous tattoos in video games
מדפסת תלת מימד

Guns: Just a Red Herring in 3D Printing or Something More Problematic

27.01.19|Dov Greenbaum
If a group of people was asked about the legal concerns associated with 3D printing, most would likely mention 3D printed guns. But the moral and legal debate the technology raises is much broader
אוניה של צים ב נמל חיפה ים אניה

Now That Autonomous Vehicles Are a Reality, Are Autonomous Boats Next?

23.01.19|Dov Greenbaum
With the vast majority of international trade handled by ocean-going vessels, there are huge positive consequences associated with automating all or part of this mode of transportation