Dov Greenbaum

19 stories about Dov Greenbaum
מחשב לימודים סטודנט

The Battle for Net Neutrality Rages On, But Does Anyone Really Care?

14.01.19|Dov Greenbaum
2018 stands out in our collective consciousness for many reasons, but net neutrality is, in all likelihood, not one of them
בנדרסנאץ' מראה שחורה נטפליקס פנאי

Netflix’s Bandersnatch Brings Up Ethical Questions About BMI Prosthetics

11.01.19|Dov Greenbaum
Can brain-machine interface prosthetics hijack the free will of users, like the viewer does the protagonist of Netflix’s new interactive film? And if yes, who is responsible for the resulting actions?
תינוק תינוקות מחלקת יולדות ילודה

Is CRISPR the New In Vitro Fertilization?

30.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
New technologies always carry the risk of giving birth to a Dr. Frankenstein, but usually even those initially tested outside of the medical ethical consensus become widely-accepted and self-policed, writes researcher Dov Greenbaum
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The Boundary Between Earth and Space is the First Hurdle

28.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
As humanity grows ever closer to space travel and all its legal complexities, one global consensus must be reached first,writes researcher Dov Greenbaum—Where, exactly, is space?
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When Santa Gives Your Little Ones a Personal Digital Spy

21.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
The increasing popularity of internet-connected interactive toys is a reminder that there are only two kinds of databases: those that have been hacked, and those that haven’t been hacked, yet
רובוט רובוטים משלוחים Starship Technologies

Don’t Forget to Tip the Delivery Bot

14.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
The aim of rolling robots is to make local delivery faster, smarter and more cost-efficient. They are also far less creepy than their airborne drone cousins, writes researcher Dov Greenbaum
בוט רובוט בינה מלאכותית

Chatbots May Not be Uncanny, But Way Ahead Is Riddled with Legal Thorns

07.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
Insomnobot-3000 by Casper talks to you when you can’t fall asleep, while Replika is designed with the unnerving sole purpose of becoming your friend
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Astronauts May Not be the Only Thing Lost in Private Space

06.12.18|Dov Greenbaum
Astronauts have been absent from space exploration for some time. To wit: Mars is the only planet in our solar system that is known to be solely inhabited by robots
חקר DNA מעבדה

The Ethical Issues Behind China’s CRISPR Twins

30.11.18|Meitar Bilu and Dov Greenbaum
Earlier this week, a researcher announced the successful impregnation of a woman and birth of twin baby girls carrying CRISPR altered genomes, sparking global controversy
Back to the future delorean car מכונית בחזרה לעתיד

Back to Back to the Future II

22.11.18|Tal Shachar and Dov Greenbaum
Today marks the 29th anniversary of the worldwide release of Back to the Future II. As such, it is worth considering where the movie got it right, and where it got it wrong, in predicting the future
מרק צוקרברג עדות הפרלמנט האירופי

Are the Emerging Data Barons Paving the Way for a Brave New Corporate World?

19.11.18|Dov Greenbaum
The elite members of the sinister sounding FANG are expanding their reach, but the real concerns will arise when they start taking over some of the tasks that were heretofore the job of governments
מוסף שבועי 15.2.18 אתה לא מחליט עליי דב גרינבאום

Light Enforcement Cushions Failed Crowdfunding Projects

05.10.18|Dov Greenbaum
Many jurisdictions are struggling to find an optimal middle ground that protects investors in crowdfunding campaigns without destroying their relatively unstructured and unregulated nature
טקס הסמכה של עורכי דין

For Law and Lawyers, Artificial Intelligence Spells a Major Headache

18.09.18|Dov Greenbaum
Large law firms are built on models of inefficiencies characterized by outdated pricing models, like billable hours. AI software, on the other hand, aims to be efficient and cost-effective
מוסף שבועי 15.2.18 אתה לא מחליט עליי דב גרינבאום

Data Is the New Gold in Today’s Surveillance Capitalism

07.09.18|Dov Greenbaum
We leak information wherever we go, and companies from Google to Fitbit are working to monetize it
לברון ג'יימס חוגג אליפות המזרח 2018

Protecting the Privacy of Fans and Players as the Business of Sports Data Booms

04.06.18|Dov Greenbaum
The end of the federal ban on sports gambling in the U.S. is likely to invigorate the collection and use of sports data
מוסף שבועי 15.2.18 אתה לא מחליט עליי דב גרינבאום

Space Exploration Requires a New Space Rulebook

08.05.18|Dov Greenbaum
Existing international outer space treaties were formulated with only nation-states in mind, writes researcher Dov Greenbaum
מצפה רמון אסטרונאוטים d-mars 4

Looking at the Stars, Researcher Sees a Legal Pandora Box Opening

24.04.18|Lilach Baumer
Current laws applying to space and other planets were formulated with people living on Earth in mind, says Israeli researcher Dov Greenbaum
dov greenbaum

Why We Should Care About Bitcoin and Blockchain Regulation

15.12.17|Dov Greenbaum
As Bitcoin and blockchain become more prevalent, regulatory uncertainty becomes more of a burden for innovators and investors