
20 stories about Economy
פעילות צה"ל בציר פילדלפי רצועת עזה מלחמה בעזה

Israel’s economy grew 1% in 2024, exceeding estimates, but high-tech exports plunged 36.8%

17.02.25|Shlomo Teitelbaum
The Israeli economy's growth surpassed forecasts, while GDP per capita declined by 0.3%. Despite resilience in domestic consumption, high-tech exports plummeted, and overall exports fell 5.6%, reflecting the war's economic toll.
שכונת סילואן ב מזרח ירושלים

"I want to build more bridges between Palestinians and Israelis": Creating a Palestinian tech hub in East Jerusalem

10.11.24|Ariela Karmel
The ongoing multi-front war has placed great strain on East Jerusalem’s nascent tech sector as well as ties between the Israeli and Palestinian tech industries. With the Palestinian economy facing potential collapse, the stakes for the industry have never been higher.
שער בגין תל אביב הפגנה מפגינים מפגינות מחאה מוחים מוחות חטופים חטופות

2024: A year marked by government incompetence and the strong resilience of Israeli citizens

02.10.24|Elihay Vidal
As is customary at the beginning of each Jewish year, Calcalist reporters summarize the past year and identify the individuals, figures, and phenomena that have had the most significant impact on Israeli society and the economy. 
כוחות צה"ל ב טול כרם 3.9.24

West Bank economy faces severe setback amid ongoing Gaza conflict

05.09.24|Doron Peskin
The restrictions imposed by Israel on the Palestinian Authority since the beginning of the war in Gaza have contributed to the growing economic distress in the PA.
מטוס F35 חמקן

Israeli economy ekes out 1.2% growth in Q2 as Gaza war rages on

Over the first half of 2024, Israel's economy grew 2.5% at an annual rate versus 4.5% in the same period in 2023
שירה גרינברג כלכלנית ראשית ב משרד אוצר 6.5.20

"Economically irresponsible policy could lead to the emigration of strong populations and a spiral of collapse"

09.07.24|Adrian Filut
The former Chief Economist of the Ministry of Finance, Shira Greenberg, says that unless steps are taken for different sectors of Israeli society to share in the national security and economic burden, "it will mean severe long-term economic damage."
חסות מדיה חברת המילטון ליין אמיר ירון נגיד בנק ישראל

Bank of Israel: “Israel has a good record in terms of coming out of military events”

22.05.24|James Spiro
Professor Amir Yaron made the remarks during his Keynote Speech at the Hamilton Lane Annual Investor Event in Israel 
בטי סופר

“Lack of investment and difficulty in long-term planning means high-tech companies will continue to lay off”

28.01.24|Maayan Manela
The global wave of high-tech layoffs has already reached thousands of workers in Israel, and those who have been laid off are having trouble finding a new job, especially amid Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas.
כנס פיננסים - פאנל נדל"ן מימין שמעון אבודרהם מנכ"ל אמות צבי שיף שותף וראש אשכול פיננסים BDO רון אבידן מנכ"ל אזורים ו נטע-לי בינשטוק כלכליסט וידאו

"The decline in construction will lead to a supply crisis as early as 2024"

25.01.24|Maayan Manela
Ron Avidan, CEO of Azorim Properties, spoke during a real estate panel at Calcalist’s Economy of Tomorrow event along with Zvi Shif, Partner and Head of the Financial Cluster at BDO, about how the labor supply shortage will lead to an increase in real estate prices
כנס פיננסים - יאיר קפלן מנכל בנק ירושלים וידאו

Bank of Jerusalem CEO on the real estate market: "Vulnerable entrepreneurs will go bankrupt"

25.01.24|Shaked Garin
Yair Kaplan spoke at Calcalist, the Bank of Jerusalem, and BDO’s Economy of Tomorrow event about the future of the real estate market, saying that “the government must act preemptively and activate the Housing Cabinet.”
ועידת תחזיות - דב קוטלר מנכ"ל בנק הפועלים

Bank Hapoalim CEO Dov Kotler's perspective on economic changes post-October 7

28.12.23|Shaked Green
Kotler emphasized the need for a revised economic strategy post-crisis when speaking at Calcalist's Forecasts Conference, held in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim and the Phoenix Group
ועידת תחזיות - פרופ ליאו ליידרמן היועץ הכלכלי הראשי בנק הפועלים

Bank Hapoalim Chief Economic Advisor: "Not all policymakers have internalized the great risk of a slowdown in 2024"

28.12.23|Irit Avisar
"Without making fiscal adjustments, there is a high risk that the deficit will reach 6% of GDP," Bank Hapoalim's Chief Economic Advisor Prof. Leo Leiderman said at Calcalist's Forecasts Conference
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו ושר האוצר בצלאל סמוטריץ

OECD report: lowers Israeli growth forecast, warns government to 're-prioritize' budget

30.11.23|Adrian Filut
The OECD’s Global Economic Outlook report has cut its growth forecast for Israel in 2024 by more than half, and sent a sharp message to the government about using the budget to fund the ultra-Orthodox sector and coalition interests.
יו"ר הרשות הפלסטינית מחמוד עבאס אבו מאזן

A dangerous disengagement: the PA has no economic alternative to the Israeli market

05.11.23|Doron Peskin
The economy in the West Bank is almost entirely dependent on Israel, from Israeli transfers of funds to 150,000 Palestinians employed in Israel.
מייסד מובילאיי פרופ' אמנון שעשוע ומייסד צ'ק פוינט גיל שויד

Will Israeli tech save the Israeli economy?

02.11.23|Sophie Shulman
There are many reasons to be optimistic about the resiliency of Israel’s tech sector right now, however the prolongation of the war could discourage investors and drive away multinational companies
Dror Bin IIA

Finance Ministry increases budget for Israel Innovation Authority Fast Track channel by 300 million NIS

25.10.23|Meir Orbach
The ministry had already pledged 100 million NIS to the channel aimed to support Israel’s high-tech sector, struggling amid Israel’s war against Hamas