
20 stories about Economy
רחובות ריקים תל אביב קורונה ישראל

Israel Enters First Full Day of New Restrictions With 2,495 Confirmed Cases

The new restrictions ban residents from leaving their homes for a distance of over 100 meters
נגיד בנק ישראל  אמיר ירון

Bank of Israel Governor Takes the Stage with a Clear Message and No Paper Tissues

25.03.20|Omri Milman
On Tuesday, Amir Yaron and his team held a press conference to discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis, stating that “without healthcare, there is no economy, but without the economy, there won’t be healthcare”
בדיקת קורונה תל אביב

Israel Reports 945 Covid-19 Cases, First Coronavirus Death

The country saw its first death on Friday, an 88-year-old man with pre-existing conditions. As the number of coronavirus cases in the country increase, so does unemployment
לשכת התעסוקה ב תל אביב אבטלה מובטלים דורשי עבודה מיתון

96,000 Israelis Registered for Unemployment in Just 14 Hours

19.03.20|Shahar Ilan
Since Covid-19 hit Israel’s economy at the beginning of March, 330,000 Israelis registered for unemployment, 13-times the number of people who registered in February
הבורסה לניירות ערך רחוב אחוזת בית תל אביב

Despite Covid-19, S&P Bullish About Israel

19.03.20|Adrian Filut
The credit rating agency forecasts Israel’s economy will see growth in 2020 despite the pandemic and that only a geopolitical event or the collapse of its real estate sector could cause negative growth
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More Capital Than Venture: Israel’s Tech Companies Under Covid-19’s Shadow

18.03.20|Meir Orbach and Hagar Ravet
Industry veterans are preparing for uncertain times but are also seeing opportunities—to reduce inflated valuations, birth new domains, and adopt more efficient models and methods
קורונה וירוס קניון עזריאלי תל אביב סגור ריק

Israel's Finance Ministry: Tax Income For 2020 Could Drop by NIS 50 Billion

18.03.20|Omri Milman
The ministry estimates that state income from taxes will drop by NIS 5 billion just in the upcoming month as companies downsize and businesses delay payments following the spread of Covid-19
אמבולנס צוות מדא מד"א חולה חולים נשאים וירוס קורונה

Israel Reports 427 Coronavirus Cases

The number of serious or critical cases has stayed at five as 90 more people were confirmed to have the virus overnight
שירה גרינברג כלכלנית ראשית ב משרד אוצר

Israel's Finance Ministry Now Estimates Coronavirus Will Cut Annual Growth to 0%

17.03.20|Omri Milman
The ministry’s chief economist, Shira Greenberg, has estimated the current losses caused by the emergency measures enacted to slow the spread of Covid-19 at NIS 45 billion (approximately $11.87 billion)
כוח משטרתי מיוחד קורונה

Israel Now Has 304 Covid-19 Cases

While Israel has not yet gone into complete lockdown, most of the country’s economic activity has now been halted
קורונה בית קפה סגור רחוב דיזנגוף תל אביב

Israel’s Economic Halt Will Cost at Least NIS 17 Billion

16.03.20|Omri Milman
As Covid-19 spreads, economists say a decline of 1.2% in the country’s gross domestic product is likely the best case scenario; a pessimist scenario forecasts negative growth
הצהרת ראש ממשלה בנימין נתניהו ב נושא קורונה 14.3.20

Israel Shuts Down Non-Essential Activity as Number of Patients Jumps to 200

The country announced more stringent restrictions Saturday, limiting gatherings to 10 people and closing down education institutions and businesses such as gyms, pubs, and malls
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו קורונה מרץ 2020

Israel Buckles Down as Corona Cases Reach 100

Prime Minister Netanyahu pledged another $1.65 billion to bolster the economy and the healthcare system as more and more people enter quarantine or get laid off
פוטו מקומות ריקים בעולם קורונה שדה תעופה בן גוריון

Israeli Tourism Is in Free Dive

11.03.20|Navit Zomer, Meir Orbach, Tomer Hadar, and Udi Etsion
With 1,368 employees laid off, 10,000 possible terminations, and 14,000 employees on enforced vacation, the Israeli tourism industry is looking at losses of NIS 12 billion by the end of the year
אל על בואינג 777-200 נתב"ג

As Israel’s Airlines Are Grounded, so Is Export

11.03.20|Adrian Filut
Most of Israel’s imported goods comes by sea, meaning food shortages are not expected, but 60% of the country’s export is sent via passenger flights—now grounded due to coronavirus
קורונה וירוס חיטוי באוטובוס של חברת דן תחבורה ציבורית

Coronavirus: Five Reasons for Optimism

10.03.20|Adi Barak and Tamar Tunik
Covid-19 has already spread to 115 countries and territories around the world, but not everything is bleak. Compared to the 2008 crisis, the financial system is more stable; compared to SARS, medical technology is more advanced
בורסה בורסת תל אביב

It is not 2008 All Over Again, Israeli Regulators Assure

10.03.20|Raheli Bindman
Israel’s leading financial regulators all issued calming messages Monday after TASE’s indices closed down two days in a row
מטוס בואינג 787 דרימליינר אל על החדש נחת בישראל

Israel's Airlines Are Looking for a Cushy Landing Post Corona

09.03.20|Tomer Hadar, Omri Milman, and Navit Zomer
As coronavirus-related damages pile up, Israel’s airlines appeal for government support