
20 stories about Economy
אוניברסיטה הטכניון טכניון חיפה

Israel’s Brain Drain is Getting Worse, Says New Report

30.05.19|Shahar Ilan
In 2014, for every person with an academic degree that returned to Israel, 2.6 such people left. By 2017, the number of negative emigrants rose to 4.5 to each person returning, a 73% increase
פרופ' מומי דהן

When the Judicial Authority Is Weakened, the Economy Follows, Says Israeli Economist

30.05.19|Adrian Filut
There is much evidence of the negative effect corruption has on a country’s economic prosperity, according to Momi Dahan, head of the school of public policy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
יו"ר הפד לשעבר ג'נט ילן באוניברסיטת תל אביב

Trump’s Political Agenda Could Threaten Independence of Federal Reserve, Says Former Chair

19.05.19|Uri Pasovsky
Economist Janet Yellen spoke at a symposium held at Tel Aviv University, from which she received an honorary doctorate Thursday
לוביסטים ב כנסת

Israel’s Bureaucratic Red Tape Costs $4 Billion a Year, Report Says

16.05.19|Adrian Filut
“It is all about ego,” said former deputy governor of the Bank of Israel Zvi Eckstein, one of the report’s authors
קרנית פלוג נגידת בנק ישראל היוצאת

Former Bank of Israel Governor Joins Nonpartisan Research Institute for Democracy

01.05.19|Omri Milman
Karnit Flug will join the Jerusalem-based Israel Democracy Institute as vice president of government and economy
מוסף שבועי 14.3.19 מגדל מידטאון תל אביב

In Line with OECD Trend, Low-Wage Jobs Continue to Drive Employment in Israel

30.04.19|Adrian Filut
Israel's GDP per capita grew by only 1.33% in 2014-2018, compared to the OECD average of 2.2%, according to an OECD report published Monday
נגיד בנק ישראל פרופ' אמיר ירון

Israeli Fintech Startups Take On Israel’s Central Bank

21.04.19|Omri Milman
Several players in Israel's fintech ecosystem allege that the Bank of Israel is preventing access to data, hindering competition
ועידת תעשייה ישראלית 2018 יהודית ברוניצקי מייסדת משותפת אורמת

Israel’s Business Sector Weighs In on the Challenges Facing the New Government

10.04.19|Diana Bahur-Nir
Recurring themes were the importance of education, more budgets to healthcare, social inequality, and the creation of a long-term fiscal policy
אולם ה מליאה כנסת ישראל

Israel’s Planned National Committee on Foreign Investments Up for Rediscussion

13.03.19|Omri Milman
The amended proposal will be discussed by the cabinet Sunday after the ministries raised objections to the initial proposal submitted by Israel’s National Security Council
אולם ה מליאה כנסת ישראל

Israel’s National Security Council Pushing for Local Committee on Foreign Investments

03.03.19|Omri Milman
The council intends to propose the establishment of a consulting committee headed by the council, to operate much like the CFIUS committee in the U.S.
תל אביב נוף בניינים קו רקיע בניה מגדלים

Israel GDP Growth Slows, Still Tops OECD Countries

01.01.19|Shahar Ilan
Israelis spent more in 2018, but the country’s growth has stalled compared to 2017
Rabbi Schneier Sheikh Nahyan UAE 4

Economy, Not Just Iranian Influence, Drives Gulf-Israel Relations, Says Advisor to Bahraini King

20.12.18|Adi Pick
Rabbi Marc Schneier, Special Advisor to the King of Bahrain, estimates that in 2019 at least one Gulf state will establish diplomatic relations with Israel
אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

Supporting Arab Entrepreneurs Is Vital for Israeli Economy, Says Innovation Authority Chief

11.12.18|Adi Pick
Aharon Aharon, head of Israel’s governmental tech investment arm, spoke at a conference on tech and the country's Arab sector held in Nazareth Tuesday
נדין בודו טרכטנברג משנה ל נגידת בנק ישראל 2

Explaining Israel’s Interest Raise

27.11.18|Omri Milman and Adrian Filut
On Monday, the Bank of Israel raised its benchmark interest rate, for the first time in seven and a half years, from 0.1% to 0.25%
תל אביב הכי יקרה 2018

Tel Aviv Is Lousy With Millionaires, Report Says

22.11.18|Amarelle Wenkert
Israel’s business and culture capital came in sixth in a global list of millionaires per square mile, published recently by U.K. electronics company R.S. Components Limited
Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan lands in Israel October 22 2018

Chinese Vice President Wang Qishan Lands in Israel for Official Visit

22.10.18|Lilach Baumer
Wang is co-heading a joint China-Israel innovation committee alongside Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu
בנימין נתניהו ו משה כחלון בהודעה פרופ' אמיר ירון הוא הנגיד הבא

How Netanyahu Surprised Israeli Press by Taking Questions from Israeli Press

10.10.18|Omri Milman
In recent years, media-savvy Netanyahu has shown a distinct liking to engaging with his potential voters directly on social media, without having to shoulder pestering questions from the local press
פרופ' אמיר ירון

Amir Yaron Selected as Next Governor of the Bank of Israel

09.10.18|Omri Milman
Yaron will replace Karnit Flug, who on Monday made her last decision as sitting governor, keeping the interest at 0.1%
ועידת MIND THE DATA 2017 סער וילף מייסד משותף Rootclaim

Saar Wilf’s Bid to Rid the World of Clunky Online Payments

20.08.18|Lilach Baumer and Orr Hirschauge
Tech entrepreneur, investor, and semi-pro poker player Saar Wilf wants to overhaul the global payment system and he's banking on a digital currency called Q
דונלד טראמפ חותם על חוק חדש שמגביר את יכולות הפיקוח על השקעות זרות במדינה

Israeli Industrialists, Government in Disagreement Over Impact of Global Trade War

16.08.18|Adrian Filut
The brewing U.S.-centred trade war has the potential to threaten a third of Israeli exports, according to a new report compiled by the Manufacturers Association of Israel