
7 stories about Founders
Noa Matz

Navigating Identity: Insights from startup founders post exit

08.05.24|Noa Matz
As founders transition from the intense demands of building and selling their companies to a new chapter in their lives, questions arise about the impact of this transition on their sense of self, identity, and well-being
Noa Matz

A glimpse into a founder’s session: Returning to a creative mindset

12.12.23|Noa Matz
It is normal to have these ‘abnormal’ reactions in the tremendously stressful outward environment we find ourselves in. Don't be hard on yourself about it, rather use these tools to help yourself adapt and retain resilience during this difficult time
Noa Matz

A glimpse into a founder’s session: Crisis resilience

13.11.23|Noa Matz
First session: regulating our emotions and catching ourselves from over-catastrophizing
Noa Gadot CEO & Co-Founder the5starz

From flounder to founder: How to start up your startup

06.09.22|Noa Gadot
On the path to success there are hacks to make your journey easier. Below are five tailored for the first-time founder
Efrat Shuster

The risk and reward of 'super-shares' for startup founders

25.04.22|Efrat Shuster
"Successful founders who manage their company well and succeed in making money for their investors have a reasonable claim for asking for ‘super-shares’ especially when the dilution is great and they are about to lose majority," writes Adv. Efrat Shuster
תל אביב קו רקיע Tel Aviv Skyline

Most Israeli Startup Founders Work up to 15 Hour Per Day, Survey Finds

11.03.20|Adi Pick
A new survey by Axis Innovation and Tel Aviv University's Coller School of Management questioned 200 startup founders in more than 20 tech fields
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Six Traps Foreign Founders Fall For in the U.S. Market

18.07.17|Shuli Galili
From “Michael Jordan Effect” to Ghost CEOs - novice and veteran entrepreneurs alike tend to make these common mistakes; Ignore the risks at your own peril