
6 stories about Glassbox
מיתון האטה שפל כלכלי קורונה

What Does ‘Most Promising’ Mean When it Comes to Startups in the Covid-19 Age?

01.05.20|Hagar Ravet and Meir Orbach
Calcalist reporters Hagar Ravet and Meir Orbach break down the considerations for compiling this year’s list of Israel’s top 50 startups
Logistics and e commerce

Top Israeli Startups 2020: Most Promising Logistics and E-Commerce Companies

28.04.20|Meir Orbach and Hagar Ravet
Calcalist and CTech are highlighting the top Israeli startups that are working to keep the world economy on the rails amid the Covid-19 crisis
מנכ"ל גלאסבוקס, ירון מורגשנשטרן

The Israeli Tech Sector Is Extremely Robust and so Are the Measures Put in Place by the Government, Says Exec

Yaron Morgenstern, CEO of customer analytics startup Glassbox, answered six questions about the Covid-19 crisis and its effects on the Israeli tech sector
גלאסבוקס Glassbox ירון מורגנשטרן

Customer Analytics Startup Glassbox Raises $40 Million

07.04.20|Meir Orbach
Glassbox’s service collects data and provides companies with analytics and insights pertaining to customer behavior across digital platforms and mobile applications
עינת גז papaya global

Payroll Management Startup Papaya Global Wins Callcalist’s Startup Competition

30.10.18|Adi Pick
The competition’s finals were held Monday at Calcalist’s eighth annual digital and mobile conference
גלאסבוקס Glassbox ירון מורגנשטרן

Customer Analytics Startup Glassbox Raises $25 Million

04.10.18|Meir Orbach
Glassbox offers a platform that collects and analyzes customer behavior data across digital platforms and mobile applications