High-Tech Trendsetters

4 stories about High-Tech Trendsetters
כך משלבים 25 יכולות בינה מלאכותית במעבדים

How AI’s unseen revolution became a daily essential in just months

03.10.24|Elihay Vidal, Meir Orbach, Sophie Shulman, Viki Auslender
From niche technology to mainstream necessity, AI’s lightning-fast adoption has changed industries this year.
שער בגין תל אביב הפגנה מפגינים מפגינות מחאה מוחים מוחות חטופים חטופות

2024: A year marked by government incompetence and the strong resilience of Israeli citizens

02.10.24|Elihay Vidal
As is customary at the beginning of each Jewish year, Calcalist reporters summarize the past year and identify the individuals, figures, and phenomena that have had the most significant impact on Israeli society and the economy.