20 stories about IIA
מתכנתים מפתחים פיתוח DEVOPS

Covid-19 will go away, the tech talent crunch will not, says tech veteran Yuval Eshel

30.08.20|Maayan Manela
Eshel, the CEO of custom software company Giga Real Time wants to launch an internship program for fresh-out-of-school programmers and says he needs $5.9 million in government funding to do so
אבי לובטון מנהל המערך הבינלאומי ברשות החדשנות

IIA launches bio-convergence grant for Israeli-South Korean collaborations

Israeli government investment arm the Israel Innovation Authority will choose up to two projects for grants of up to $2 million to cover half of each project’s research and development expenses
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A quantum leap In the drug development world

Microfluidic chips that simulate human tissue enable us to conduct medical experiments in ways that could not have been even imagined only a few years ago. Two leading Israeli researchers report from the turbulent Israeli front line of the global 'organ-on-a-chip' sector
נסיינית מניו יורק מקבלת חיסון של מודרנה נגד קורונה וירוס

Who has entered the Covid-19 vaccine race and how long will it take for the impact of 5G to be felt?

CTech Daily Roundup: Elicio Therapeutics enters Covid-19 vaccine race, reports success in pre-clinical trials
אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות 17.4.19

Israel Innovation Authority receives a $114 million budget boost

19.08.20|Meir Orbach
Government’s tech investment arm says fast track grants to struggling startups have proven most effective in helping early-stage tech companies survive the Covid-19 crisis
גידול רקמות ב מעבדה

The Tissue Challenge: Four scientists explain what happens when you combine biology, engineering, medicine, physics, and chemistry

Printing a cornea, engineering a heart, growing meat, and helping the paralyzed walk – this may all sound like science fiction but it's happening right now in laboratories in Israel engaging in Bio-convergence
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

GovTech Incentive Program renewed by Israel Innovation Authority and Israel National Digital Ministry

19.08.20|James Spiro
Each year, 10 million shekels are put towards solutions for public sector challenges
פרופ זאב זלבסקי CTO Continuse Biometrics ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Diagnostics and Sensing: minature sensors and cameras are helping revolutionize patient treatment

A joining of forces between engineering and bio-medical applications based on biological sensory tools facilitates effective developments including detection of Alzheimer's, high-resolution endoscope imaging, an enhanced CT system, and rapid differentiation between viral and bacterial infection.
ניו יורק נפתחת קורונה

New York State is looking for Israeli startups to help it meet Covid-19 challenges

18.08.20|Meir Orbach
NY Smart City Innovation Partnership Program offers companies the chance to try out their tech in urban settings while receiving 50% of R&D costs
עדי אנג'ל מנכלית vcita

Israel’s vCita has been selected to take part in Mastercard’s Start Path global program

18.08.20|James Spiro
The developer of cloud-based solutions for SMBs joins 10 other startups from the fintech field
אסדת תמר קידוח אסדה גז טבעי

U.S.-Israel Energy Center announces a new funding opportunity for infrastructure cybersecurity cooperation

18.08.20|James Spiro
Energy Cyber is one of the four areas highlighted by the energy center, as well as fossil fuels, energy storage, and energy-water nexus
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

69% of startups say R&D is down, IIA and IATI survey paints grim pictures for Israeli tech

23.07.20|James Spiro
The survey from July 2020 better shows some of Covid-19’s impact on the tech sector
אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות 17.4.19

Israel Innovation Authority eases terms for protecting institutional investors’ investments in tech

13.07.20|Meir Orbach
The minimal investment eligible for protection will be $29 million instead of the original $43.5 million minimum and several investors will be allowed to partner on a single investment
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

IIA approves $43 million budget for three R&D consortiums

The consortiums will combine the efforts of academic researchers and industry leaders to develop new technological solutions for autonomous vehicles command and control systems, laser material processing, and quantum communications
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

Israel Innovation Authority Approves Establishment of Genome Editing Consortium

03.06.20|Adi Pick
The consortium will be allocated with a total of NIS 36 million (approximately $10.36 million) for a period of 18 months
פתרון הטכנולוגי שיחמם את המים במקלחות חיילי צה"ל משרד הביטחון וחברת ברנמילר אנרג'י

Israeli Military Outpost Pilots Energy-Saving Solution for Heating Shower Water

The heat recovery from the existing generators allows hot water to be supplied without the burning of additional fuels. It saves about 36,000 liters of diesel fuel per year, and reduces pollutant emissions of about 112 tons of carbon dioxide a year
ועידת התחזיות 31.12.19 אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות

Israel Launched $145 Million Program to Protect Institutional Investments in Tech

17.05.20|Meir Orbach
Each of the 6-12 institutional bodies selected for the program will be eligible to up to 50% put option protection for its investment of up to $85 million in Israeli early stage startups
אהרון אהרון מנכל רשות החדשנות

European Investment Bank, Israel Innovation Authority Collaborate on Medical Investments

30.04.20|Elham Nasser Eddin
As part of the collaboration, European Investment Bank has provided Pluristem GmbH, the German subsidiary of Israel-based medical company Pluristem, with a debt loan of €50 million (approximately $54 million)
ועידת תעשייה ישראלית 2018 ד"ר עמי אפלבום יו"ר ראשות החדשנות והמדען הראשי

Israel Awards NIS 22 Million in Grants to Corona-Fighting Startups

12.04.20|Meir Orbach
The grant, spearheaded by government investment arm the Israel Innovation Authority, was handed to companies that address the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.