10 stories about INSPIRE
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CTech’s Monday Roundup of Israeli Tech News

By backing Didi Chuxing, travel company Booking gets a foothold in “competitive” China, CEO says. The tech sector lacks diversity and women find it difficult to advance, says Microsoft Israel GM.
זיו תירוש אורי לוין Refundit

Meet the 9 Finalists of Calcalist’s Promising Startup Competition

26.10.18|Naomi Zoref
The winner of the competition will be announced Monday at Calcalist’s eighth annual digital and mobile conference in Tel Aviv
גלן פוגל מנכ''ל Booking Holdings בוקינג

Booking CEO Glenn Fogel to Deliver Keynote at Calcalist’s Digital and Mobile Conference

25.10.18|Omer Kabir
Other key speakers include Ehud Schneerson, former commander of Unit 8200, the Israeli military's NSA equivalent, and Assaf Rappaport, general manager of Microsoft Israel
רמזי גבאי יו"ר מכון ה ייצוא ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Israel on Track for a Record $100 Billion in Exports in 2017

31.10.17|Asaf Shalev
Technology development services and an increase in trade with Europe are driving the country’s export up
אבנר כהן otonomo ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Car Data Needs Brokers, Says Israeli Entrepreneur

30.10.17|Yoav Stoler
The connected car would bring on a new type of company, said automotive technologies entrepreneur Avner Cohen
קרין אייבשיץ סגל מנכלית מרכזי פיתוח אינטל ישראל ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Through Investments, Intel Positions Itself for Data Explosion, Executive Says

30.10.17|Lilach Baumer
Investments in 5G connectivity and AI prepare the company for the future
רם פיש מנכ"ל Labs19 ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Community Health is the Future of Medicine, says 19Labs CEO

30.10.17|Lilach Baumer
Medical devices and advanced sensors increasingly allow doctors to diagnose and treat from afar, says Ram Fish
פרופ זאב זלבסקי CTO Continuse Biometrics ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Tech Can Alleviate Pressure on Hospitals, Says ContinUse Biometrics CTO

30.10.17|Lilach Baumer
Zeev Zalevsky spoke at Calcalist’s seventh digital and mobile conference in Tel Aviv
אבנר הלפרין מנכ"ל EarlySense ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Medtech CEO Calls on Israeli Government to Open Hospital Data

30.10.17|Hagar Ravet and Lilach Baumer
EarlySense CEO Avner Halperin says health data is a “national treasure” that can propel economy
אהרון אהרון מנכ"ל רשות החדשנות ועידת מובייל ו דיגיטל

Israeli Tech Moved from Components to Products, Says Israeli Government Innovation Chief

30.10.17|Lilach Baumer
Content is the next frontier for Israel’s tech industry, Aharon Aharon says