
20 stories about Intel
תל אביב יקרה מגדלי עזריאלי הקרייה

Intel renting four more floors in Tel Aviv’s Azrieli Center despite pandemic real-estate crunch

30.07.20|Shlomit Tzur
Intel is renting the four floors with a total space of 6,000 square meters for the employees of Habana Labs, the Tel Aviv-based artificial intelligence chip developer Intel purchased for $2 billion last December
המרכז החדש של אינטל

Why is Intel losing its edge and what has Microsoft Israel got up its sleeve?

CTech Daily Roundup: “Even if Intel ceases manufacturing, its factory in Israel will be the last to shut down,” says former Intel executive
בוב סוואן מנכ"ל אינטל

Outsourcing chip production means Intel is losing its edge

27.07.20|Hagar Ravet
Intel led the chip industry for decades thanks to its self-reliance in terms of both design and manufacturing but any shift in this balance could mean a blow it might not recover from
מימין מימין מולי אדן ו דדי פרלמוטר בכירי אינטל לשעבר

“Even if Intel ceases manufacturing, its factory in Israel will be the last to shut down,” says former Intel executive

27.07.20|Meir Orbach
Bob Swan’s statements to analysts prove that nothing is sacred anymore, not even the chip giant’s independent production
קוואלקום מכונית אוטונומית ride רכב אוטונומי

Why will digital identity be key to navigating the new normal and who raised $71 million?

CTech Daily Roundup: Accelerated growth without a financial model is a dying trend, says Qualcomm Ventures exec
מנכ"ל אינטל בוב סוואן Bob Swan דצמבר 2019

Intel CEO throws future of Israeli chip-manufacturing factory into doubt with a single sentence

26.07.20|Meir Orbach and Hagar Ravet
The big question now is what will happen if Intel falls in love with outsourcing and understands that its time as a manufacturer has come to an end?

Intel’s Mobileye is collaborating with Ford on sensor technology for future vehicles

20.07.20|James Spiro
The Israeli company’s name will be displayed in all future SYNC driver-assist communication displays
Amnon Shashua Mobileye אמנון שעשוע מובילאיי

Mobileye announces robotaxi service partnership with Japan’s WILLER

08.07.20|Tomer Hadar
Is autonomous transit replacing self-driving cars as the new vision of future transportation?
משרדי אינטל פתח תקווה

Intel Israel’s export nearly doubles over past year, reaching $6.6 billion

25.06.20|Meir Orbach
The company's workforce grew by almost 1,000 employees to 13,750, making it the largest private employer in the country
ג'וני סרוג'י סגן נשיא בכיר לטכנולוגיית חומרה אפל

Is Apple’s senior Israeli executive the company’s real MVP?

23.06.20|Omer Kabir
The recently announced transition from Intel to home-grown processors spells risk and opportunity for Johny Srouji
מיטת אישפוז מחלקת קורונה בית חולים שיבא תל השומר

Sheba Medical Center names Intel winner of Covid-19 data challenge

18.06.20|James Spiro
The group competed against 30 other finalists who were judged through ‘shark-tank’ style presentations
סמסונג 5g אירוע נוט 10 B

5G is driving the world crazy, but what is it really?

17.06.20|Allon Sinai
The fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks has been making plenty of headlines recently, but most of them had very little to do with how the technology actually works and what needs it aims to satisfy
רשתות דור חמישי 5G קוואלקום

Israeli companies leading global 5G revolution

17.06.20|Allon Sinai
There are currently over 25 Israeli companies working on 5G related tech, from giants like Intel to small early-stage startups
מוביט Moovit

The Intel-Moovit Deal and the Precious Data that the Government is Hoarding

19.05.20|Shlomi Bielawsky
22 years after passing the Freedom of Information Law, Israeli researchers, entrepreneurs, and citizens must still jump through hoops to receive access to databanks that are essentially theirs
אינטל מעבד מעבדים לפטופ שבבים שבב

Intel and Microsoft Investing in Secretive Israeli Company

14.05.20|Meir Orbach
Xsight Labs, a startup partially funded by tech entrepreneur Avigdor Willenz, has raised $100 million in funding. It’s previous round, led by Intel Capital brought in $50 million
אפליקציה מוביט ברצלונה Moovit

Moovit Interview, GigaSpaces Round and Covid-19 Breakthrough in Today's Roundup

Moovit CEO Nir Eraz says billion-dollar deal with Intel was done over Zoom while fund Fortissimo leads $12 million GigaSpaces round
ועידת פריז 2018 ניר ארז מוביט

Intel Acquisition Happened Very Quickly, it was all Done Over Zoom, Reveals Moovit CEO

05.05.20|Hagar Ravet
Nir Erez provides behind the scenes details of this week’s billion-dollar deal and how he is able to score free meals
פרופ' אמנון שעשוע

Amnon Shashua: Moovit Fits in with Mobileye’s Wider Vision

04.05.20|Hagar Ravet
On the day of Intel’s $900 million acquisition of Moovit, Mobileye’s CEO and co-founder shares with Calcalist the reasons they opted to buy the Israeli company and how it advances the future of mobility
מוביט Moovit

Intel Inks Deal to Acquire Moovit for $1 Billion

04.05.20|Meir Orbach
Intel’s acquisition of the Israeli navigation app developer is reminiscent of Google’s 2013 acquisition of Waze
אפליקציה מוביט ברצלונה Moovit

Data Wars: Mobileye is the Real Engine Behind Intel’s Acquisition of Moovit

03.05.20|Hagar Ravet
Autonomous vehicle networks require huge amounts of data to train the software and various sensors as well as to save the cars of the future from having to complete thousands of hours of navigating on the roads