
20 stories about Intel
Intel אינטל ישראל

Intel Unveils Latest Core i9 Processor

03.04.18|Raphael Kahan
Intel’s Israeli research and development center played a major part in the development of the new processor
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CTech’s Sunday Roundup of Israeli Tech News

Beyond Intel’s tick-tock model lies the Multi-Wave. Taboola vows to remove ‘racy’ advertisers
אמיר פיינטוך הישראלי הבכיר ב אינטל

Beyond Intel’s Tick-Tock Model Lies the Multi-Wave

01.04.18|Omer Kabir
Intel’s platform engineering chief Amir Faintuch says the company no longer adheres to its long-running one-punch two-punch chip design roadmap
רכב אוטונומי של אובר לאחר התאונה שלקחה את חייה של אשה

Accidents Like Uber's Could Hurt Already Fragile Trust in Autonomous Cars, Says Mobileye CEO

27.03.18|Lilach Baumer
In an Intel newsroom post, Amnon Shashua said that despite the poor quality of the video used, Mobileye's software identified the pedestrian a full second before impact
כנס כלכליסט ניו יורק שון בריאן אינטל ספורט ו סטיב הלמות NBA

How the NBA Plans to Bring the Arena to the Fans

14.03.18|Orr Hirschauge
Speaking at the Calcalist’s Mind the Tech conference in New York, an NBA vice president discusses how virtual reality technology is changing the spectator sport
מטה מיקרוסופט

CTech’s Wednesday Israeli Tech News Roundup

Microsoft brings home the management of its startup outreach program. Intel CEO highlights autonomous cars push in visit to Israel
בריאן קרזניץ' מנכ"ל אינטל מוסף 17.9.15

Intel CEO Highlights Autonomous Cars Push in Visit to Israel

07.03.18|Meir Orbach and Lilach Baumer
Intel acquired the Jerusalem-based automotive chipmaker in 2017 for $15.3 billion, taking a big step forward in the driverless car race
ג'וני סרוג'י סגן נשיא בכיר לטכנולוגיית חומרה אפל

When Multinationals Think Chip Design, They Look to Israel

From Apple to Amazon, Intel, IBM, Broadcom and Qualcomm, multinationals come to Israel to expand their chip-design abilities
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CTech’s Weekly Israeli Tech News Roundup

Intel plans to expand chip manufacturing in Israel with $5 billion investment. Latest venture by Mobileye founders valued at $1 billion. Intel leads $50 million investment in public transit app Moovit.
פרופסור שרית קראוסעם דוקטור אריאל רוזנפלד

AI Takes Center Stage in Israeli Tech

From eBay’s automated personal fashion designer to Amazon’s hunger for local talent: a spotlight on Israel’s AI scene
אינטל קריית גת

CTech’s Daily Israeli Tech News Roundup

Intel plans to expand chip manufacturing in Israel with $5 billion investment. Intel leads $50 million investment in public transit app Moovit
ועידת הצפון 28.3.17 יניב גרטי מנכ״ל אינטל ישראל

Intel to Expand Chip Manufacturing in Israel with $5 Billion Investment

21.02.18|Amarelle Wenkert and Meir Orbach
Yaniv Garty, CEO of Intel's operations in Israel, announced the two-year expansion plan at a meeting with Israeli Minister of Economy Eli Cohen on Wednesday
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Intel Leads $50 Million Investment in Public Transit App Moovit

21.02.18|Hagar Ravet
Moovit’s free app offers real-time public transit information to a global user base of over 120 million people in 2,000 cities and 80 countries
אורי פרנק סגן נשיא אינטל

Slew of Israeli Executives Promoted at Intel

14.02.18|Hagar Ravet
Three Israeli executives have been made vice presidents at the chipmaker and three were announced as “Intel Fellows”
SAM אבטחת מידע סייבר

Home Network Cybersecurity Startup SAM Raises $3.5 Million

06.02.18|Lilach Baumer
SAM partnered with Intel to integrate its anti-malware technology with the company's chipsets
מפעל אינטל ב קריית גת

CTech’s Daily Israeli Tech News Roundup

On the heels of the increase in the number of incoming Chinese tourists, Alipay is coming to Israel. Seeking to overturn ruling forcing it to reinstate popular Israeli page, Facebook appeals to Israel’s Supreme Court
ועידת הצפון 28.3.17 יניב גרטי מנכ״ל אינטל ישראל

Intel’s Israeli Exports Up 9% in 2017

29.01.18|Meir Orbach
The chipmaker’s exports from Israel totaled $3.6 billion in 2017, up from $3.3 billion in 2016
נאסד"ק וול סטריט

SEC Hires an Israel-Based Lawyer to Handle Mobileye Insider Trading Investigation

28.01.18|Tomer Ganon and Ran Abramson
In November, the SEC asked for the Israeli authorities' assistance in obtaining witness testimonials from five Israeli residents
דב פרוהמן לשעבר מנכל אינטל

A Grandmaster of Chipmaking Says Economic Growth is Doomed in a Post-Moore’s Law World

25.01.18|Keren-Or Grinberg
With the slowdown in semiconductor development, the “Startup Nation” bubble will burst, Intel veteran Dov Frohman says in an interview with Calcalist
בריאן קרזניץ' מנכ"ל אינטל מוסף 17.9.15

Intel, Mobileye Partner with Chinese Automaker SAIC on Self-Driving Cars

11.01.18|Lilach Baumer
With SAIC, Mobileye's chips are installed in the vehicles of 15 Chinese manufacturers