Intel Israel

10 stories about Intel Israel
ערן פייגנבאום  מנכ"ל אורקל ישראל

Tech giants Oracle and Intel extend financial support to their employees in Israel

01.11.23|Elihay Vidal
Following the state of war the citizens of Israel find themselves in, Oracle employees in Israel would be receiving a special grant equivalent to an extra month's salary and Intel will give each local employee a grant of $5,000
בניין אינטל ב חיפה

Intel Israel registers record exports of $8.7 billion in 2022, accounting for 1.75% of Israel’s entire GDP

The semiconductor giant’s Israeli branch was responsible for 5.5% of all Israeli high-tech exports last year and recorded purchases of $3.5 billion from Israeli businesses
הדמיית משרדי חברת אינטל ש עתידים לקום ב חיפה

Intel halts construction of $200 million Haifa mega-campus

16.01.23|Raphael Kahan
As the chip crisis continues, the company has decided against spending $200 million on the new campus. A parking lot will be built in its place
משרדי אינטל

Israel inside: Intel hangs its future on the Israeli branch

10.01.23|Raphael Kahan
Karin Eibschitz-Segal & Daniel Benatar, the replacements of retiring CEO of Intel Israel, Yaniv Garty, are each responsible for strategic areas in global Intel
Karin Eibschitz-Segal Daniel Benatar Intel

Intel Israel appoints new co-CEOs following Yaniv Garty’s departure

09.01.23|James Spiro
Karin Eibschitz-Segal and Daniel Benatar have been appointed co-CEOs of Intel Israel amid the layoffs at the company
intel ignite

Intel Ignite announces 10 Israeli startups for its sixth cohort

From artificial intelligence to cybersecurity, the 10 selected startups will receive tailor-made mentoring programs to go to market
משרדי אינטל 2

Intel Israel’s export up to a record $8 billion in 2020

02.02.21|Meir Orbach
Israel’s largest tech employer is responsible for 14% of the country’s tech export
מיטת אישפוז מחלקת קורונה בית חולים שיבא תל השומר

Sheba Medical Center names Intel winner of Covid-19 data challenge

18.06.20|James Spiro
The group competed against 30 other finalists who were judged through ‘shark-tank’ style presentations
ועידת הצפון 28.3.17 יניב גרטי מנכ״ל אינטל ישראל

Intel’s Israeli Exports Up 9% in 2017

29.01.18|Meir Orbach
The chipmaker’s exports from Israel totaled $3.6 billion in 2017, up from $3.3 billion in 2016